What does the Bible say about self-worth?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
The Bible actually has many passages that tell us what God has to say about our worth and our value in His eyes. Genesis 1:26-27 says we are made in His image, the very image of God. Psalm 139:13-1...

July 01 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Scan14 Michael Tinsley Supporter Retired Army veteran. Love my Bible (Jesus) and fishing.
Many of us have heard sermons about ' God's perfect will for our lives' and 'paying the price to serve God', both of which call into question our self-worth _and put the legalistic emphasis on what we should _do.

This takes our focus off of Jesus and puts it on us, making us think about what we can _do instead of what Jesus has already done. Its a trap and makes us feel guilty by thinking we aren't _doing enough in the service of our Lord.

After we are saved and indwelt by the Holy Spirit it is He who directs our lives if we keep our focus on Jesus and what He did for us and how to live more like Him.

Our work for the Lord was determined before we were even born, 2 Timothy 1:9, and all it took was using the gift of faith to believe in the grace God offered us.

We don't have to _do anything to prove our self-worth because it was already done by Jesus on the Cross and we are seen by God as perfect as Jesus is. Perfect already, we don't have to worry if we're worthy enough or prove to anyone we have self-worth.

Now all we have to do is follow the lead of the Holy Spirit as we go through life. God's will for us will be revealed as we interact with others and our Christianity will be evident in all we do.

Never worry about your self-worth, its proven in the Bible as fact. Don't let your emotions make you feel you don't measure up. Instead believe in the facts of the Bible,'...you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.' 1 Corinthians 6:11.

October 08 2014 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Michael Morgan Supporter Child of God saved by Grace
I received Christ & His unconditional love on Nov. 26 2000 @3:43 pm. Sitting in my truck pulled off to the side of a major interstate. Of course mainly I was saved from our original separation from God; but the weapon satan used, & still does occasionally, to create that void, was lack of self-worth in me. I am now 57, growing up in the 70's and 80's my go to's for sadness were, pardon me, sex, drugs & rock&roll. In about 1990 it turned also to gambling. These & other self-worth issues ruined two marriages, weak parenting skills, & brought hurt/sadness to many around me. I share this for a good reason, as stated in the scriptures above God loves us & in our struggles He weeps that we have not received or do not understand just how much He loves us. 

In the just over 16 years I have been walking with God, each day I discover a bit more of how "immense" & deep His love is. I have written a book on my salvation story, how finally seeing this Love saved me. God has also recently led me to a ministry, sharing my sins & redemption, hoping to open the eyes of those who feel He could never forgive their sin. 

God put this scripture concretely on my heart very soon after saving me. Mark 12:28-34 The Greatest Commandment, it is also in Matt.22:36-40. Both express the simplicity of a relationship with God. I am partial to Mark, but Matthew makes a powerful point Mark's does not address. In Matthew, Christ states again the simplicity, with only these two commandments all the other's may be fulfilled. *side note* I have long felt that though the 10 commandments show a wonderful way to act in our lives, it is more poignant in stating this is what is required by God, perfection, and it is obvious "WE" can never fulfill these on our own. In attempting to, or even believing we have to in order to please God, this is often what leads to "lack of self-worth", depression. This is a powerful tool of satan! Satan cannot truly keep us from God, but he can definitely distract and slow our coming to God. 

As I said, the ministry message God gave me, is grounded in Mark 12:28-34. What God made poignant to me was the 2nd commandment, "Love your neighbor, as you love yourself". I stand firmly that there is "nothing" in the Word which is just for word sake. When we speak or write, we use various words to connect thoughts. As stated in the Bible, "all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable.............." 2Tim3:16,17. 

So if the commandment had stopped at "love thy neighbor", it was powerful, righteous & good. So why continue with, "as you love yourself"? We are told often in Scripture to "deny ourselves". Loving yourself is wrong, make yourself less those others can be more. I have no argument, as these are wise, deep, and necessary for us to reflect the actions & unconditional love Christ gave/gives us. So why? 

God of course knows all. God knows a person can only give & give & give so much before they are spent; that tiredness opens a crack for the father of lies, satan. In that crack he will pour: wow, look at all you do and no one cares, wow your so great, but you have done enough. Hmmpf, you do all this for God and others; what has it gotten you. Hey, remember all that sin, you MUST do this because you're worthless, others mean more to God than you!

Been there, done that, lived it. LIE LIE LIE. THIS is why Christ pointed us to love ourselves. He loves us unconditionally, so if He does & we don't, aren't we somewhat saying God is wrong, wrong for loving us? 
The love we must love ourselves with is His love, the love Jesus showed us. His love is unending, ever replenishing, ever healing. When we submit our lives and our image of ourselves to Jesus, as it says in Corinth. "before I saw as a dim reflection, now I see clearly". 
We are broken, fallible, at times rebellious. Accepting our humanity frees us from shame, opens us to living and loving ourselves in Christ love. We may not deserve it, but the Lord Most High states we are worth it!

March 23 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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