Should Christians observe the day of atonement?

If so, how should it be observed?

Clarify Share Report Asked September 22 2015 Mini laura yasko Supporter

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Ari Ariel HaNaviy Supporter Messianic Jew and Torah Teacher with Messianic Congregation 'The Harvest'
The short answer is “Yes. Why not? After all, Yeshua (Jesus) exemplifies the meaning, purpose, and fullness of the biblical concept of atonement (Matt 5:17-20; Lk 24:44, 45; Heb 9:11-22), proving that man cannot be made right with God unless he casts his faith onto the "Spotless Lamb of God” (Jn 1:29; Heb 10:14). Yom Kippur is a great way to memorialize our Great High Priest. In my estimation, as a believer, as long as your observance honors the LORD Yeshua, and you are certain you are not attempting to do anything to earn favor with God through your observance, then it is a good thing to celebrate.

Christians can observing all Feasts as outlined for all Isra'el in Leviticus 23, since Christian identity is rooted in Remnant Isra'el (Rom. 11:17). Gentile Christians are no longer alienated from the commonwealth of Isra'el, and are no longer strangers to the covenants of promise (Eph 2:11-22).

All are in process and need one another (Eph 4:13, 14). The Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) is the only one who can bring a person to better understand all of scripture and its applications.

How should it be observed? Well, for one, don't even think about trying to offer animals in sacrifice. For now, sacrifices have been suspended by God himself. Period. 

Most Messianic congregations (with Jews and Gentiles in Messiah) encourage people to take the day off from work (Lev 23:28) and attend a special, solemn Yom Kippur service, complete with lengthy liturgy, praise and worship to Yeshua, and wearing of white (symbolic of purity). Also, since the Torah calls for Isra'el to “afflict their souls,” (Lev 23:27) most in Traditional Judaism and Messianic Judaism interpret this as meaning God is asking us to fast for this day.

Despite the differences of opinion about Torah observance, believers should not judge each other for either keeping or not keeping Torah (Rom. 14:4, 7-13).

Jews and Gentiles in Messiah must do our best to be filled with and walk by the Spirit (Eph 5:18; Gal 6:16), serve one another (1 Pet 4:10; Gal 5:13, 14; Phil 2:1-11), avoid placing stumbling blocks in front of one another (Rom. 14:13), and make sure to put the interests of the other ahead of our own (Rom. 15:1-7). In this way, believers fulfill the righteous requirements of the Torah (Rom. 8:4).

The Feasts of ADONAI are dress rehearsals of Messianic Redemption.

Our LORD Yeshua (Jesus) has literally and prophetically fulfilled the first four of the seven feasts mentioned in Leviticus 23; it is my belief that the Torah teaches that he will, likewise, literally and prophetically fulfill the final three at his soon to be second arrival. As the children of Avraham willingly and faithfully lived out God’s yearly cycle of convocations, the Spirit of the Holy One graciously opened their hearts to understand that, as his treasured possession, they were responsible to actively pursue a genuine, personal, loving relationship with their Heavenly Abba. 

It is this type of personal relationship that God has always desired from the nation of Isra'el, and through the grace poured out to Isra'el, the surrounding Gentile nations might also see the goodness and mercy of ADONAI, and seek to become one of his treasured possessions as well (read Deut 4:5-8). 

He is our God and we are his people!

September 23 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

84924d6f 9be5 4261 9e07 ab5f6a8c5842 Lena Wms Supporter Student @Christ Gospel Church, S.S.Teacher, Observer
What a wonderful question as it represents our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! He is our Atonement to the Father. This being said we should look to Hebrews chapter 9 to see the full impact of the Atonement Blood..

Heb 9:11, But Christ being come an High Priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building, 
Heb 9:12. Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His Own Blood He entered in once into the Holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

Never again would an animal have to be sacrificed to attempt to cover man's sin. Jesus Christ had placed His Own Blood in the Holy of Holies to cover our sin. This is the significant reason for a remembrance, 

One may ask how a Christian would memorialize Our Saviour The Lord Jesus Christ placing the Atonement Blood on the Mercy Seat in the Heavenly Tabernacle? I can only speak from my own experience: 
1. I fast and humble myself before God 
2. All day I think about Jesus Christ sacrifice for me a sinner.
3. I try to remember, ask God to call to my remembrance any offence I have committed against my brother. I repent for these and ask my brother for forgiveness.
4. I thank Jesus specifically for the Atonement Blood that brings me back into a beautiful relationship with the Father.
5. I think about how it was before Jesus died, how they had to sacrifice a lil animal for an offence against God's law. How *only one day a year* their sins were truly forgiven.. the Day of Atonement.. How joyous and jubilant they must have felt! 
6. I thank Jesus for breaking the veil to the Holy of Holies and placing His Blood there so I can be forgiven all the time! How Joyous and Jubilant I should be!
7. As I break my fast, I am loving my Savior even more, for the Atonement Blood that He has provided for me. 

This is my personal testimony of how I celebrate our Savior at this time. 
I believe God honors me as I remember His Son's sacrifice in this manner.

Be Blessed,

September 23 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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