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Job 36:26 New International Version (NIV) 26 How great is God—beyond our understanding! The number of his years is past finding out.
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I would say that it was precisely because God was aware that, in His infinite fullness, He was beyond human understanding or finding out, that He did not require us to engage in such a fruitless search, but chose instead to reveal the essential things that we need to know about Him through the Bible, and, most specifically, through His incarnation in Jesus, for the purpose not only of knowing Him, but of accomplishing the redemption of which we were (and are) incapable on our own.
I would say that we should seek God even if He seems unseekable because He is so great. His greatness includes creation, providence, and His sovereignty over all nations. Such a God, a Person, is to be greatly admired. So God’s greatness in heaven and earth is a reason to seek Him and why Job should bow under His afflicting hand. --Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown
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