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They decorate it with silver and gold; They fasten it with nails and hammers So that it will not topple (Jeremiah 10:4)
Jeremiah 10:4
ESV - 4 They decorate it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so that it cannot move.
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The cited passage from Jeremiah was contrasting the weakness of the idols that the Israelites were constructing for their worship with the power and glory of the one true God. The idols had to be shaped by a craftsman, rather than having an existence of themselves. They had to be externally adorned with silver and gold, rather than possessing a majesty or value of their own. They had to be externally held up or fastened in place so that they would not totter or fall, as compared with God's steadfastness. They could not speak (again, unlike God). They had to be carried, instead of being omnipresent, or even capable of movement on their own. They could do nothing on their own -- either through doing good or punishing evil. Jeremiah was telling the people that all these fallibilities made the idols totally unworthy of worship or glorification, in contrast to the one living God.
I would add that many cite this verse as somehow talking about modern "Christmas trees", but as explained, the context is about pathetic idols compared to the one true God. Regardless of traditions, nobody worships or idolizes the tree.
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