How is prayer communicating with God?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
To understand the nature of God's communication to us, and ours to Him, we need to start with a few key precepts. The first is that God only speaks truth. He never lies, and He is never deceitful. ...

July 01 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Brian Ansell Supporter Retired school teacher, now sell homemprovements i
Communicating is often confused with telling. If you tell anyone what you want that us not communicating. So if when you pray you expect the answer you want. Then want on as that is not communicating. If you ask for something and you listen to the answer you get then you are communicating. I use pray as a time for me to think clearly often in a place of peace and from that clear thought I can see a way to deal with what concerned me before. I find it never works in a crowd or in a noisy place.

March 30 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Doreen Lovell Supporter Evangelist and Prayer Intercessor
“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you(1 Peter 5:7)

In Genesis 3 we learn that God usually comes down in the cool of the day to commune or speak with Adam. However; with the fall of man (because of Adam's and Eve's sin in the Garden of Eden) they were driven out of the garden and that one-on-one communication with God was cut off. Prayer, the new means of communicating with God, was offered up on man’s behalf by the High Priest of the Temple along with a sacrifice. Yeshua our High Priest was the sacrificial Lamb crucified for our sins and He made it possible for us to go before God in the form of prayer through Him. Yeshua made it possible for a direct spiritual connection thus there is no longer the need for sacrifice or asking a priest or anyone to approach God on our behalf.

Prayer is an act of spiritual expression that brings us into conformity to the very nature and purpose of God. It is a way we become aware of and experience God’s presence and character. Through prayer, we meet and connect with God. It can also be seen as an expression of thanks to God and/or a request for help from Him. Prayer is a spiritual practice, a way we become aware of and experience God’s presence and character and allowing us to become aware of our desperate need for Him. 

Prayer is not about fixing things; it is about a relationship; it is an avenue of communication between us and God and as such we need to approach it with respect intentionally and the commitment He deserves. Prayer does not work the way we want it to be but the way God designed it to work. 

Yeshua sets the perfect example of what it means to have an active and intimate relationship with God. It is no wonder the disciples ask Him to teach them to pray. In this prayer we call the Our Father's prayer, Yeshua taught them that they should always plea for the providential help of God in their daily confrontation with the temptation of sin. (Debts in this prayer refers to sin which are our moral and spiritual debts to God’s righteousness (Matt. 6:12-13). In Matthew 6, Yeshua teaches that prayer should begin and end with humility. He invites us into an intimate exchange through which He promises to listen (v.6); shows that he never requires memorized words or phrase (v.7); He assure us that prayer is a gift, an opportunity to honor His majesty (vv. 9-10); to display confidence in His provision (v.11) and to affirm our security in His forgiveness and guidance (vv. 12-13).

Prayer acknowledges that we are weak and totally dependent on God. We may not fully understand the circumstances of our life, but we can rest in the knowledge that God is in control and He gives us his peace. God wants us to be truthful or real as we talk with Him and to tell Him about our deepest concerns, fears and struggles. He is not surprised by anything we mention since He knows everything that is about to happen; before it happens, before we speak it and before we do it.

God always seeks out man in the sense that He solicits a response from His creation now separated from Him by sin. Thus He comes asking questions, not making accusation. He wants to know why and how He can help and is not ready or prepared to reign down fire upon us. That is the reason why He offered His only son for the redemption of our sins.

November 07 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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