Why do pastors accept money during their sermons?


Clarify Share Report Asked January 30 2014 Mini Anonymous

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Seth3 Seth Freeman Supporter
Giving to your local church is something that most Christians do. Each church I suspect does the offering slightly differently. I don't think there is really a right or wrong way to do it, though I'm sure there are better and worse ways to collect an offering.

My church has two offering boxes in two corners of the building. People are free to drop off their offering whenever they way. There is no specific time for people to go up. 

My church rents an apartment in a low-income part of town in which we have a ministry. Every member is asked to give $20 once a month to help support the ministry, and there are some baskets passed around on the first Sunday of the month during the announcement time to collect money specifically for that ministry. 

As for collecting money during the sermon, that would probably be a little distracting, and not something that I would personally recommend.

January 31 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Me Steve Nearman Supporter A sinner saved by grace. Fredericksburg, VA
I have seen this done on one occasion by men who teaches a "PROSPERITY GOSPEL". The more you give God the more He gives you in return. You pay a $100 and God gives you $1,000 back or a new car or a better job, etc. The lectern had a large Plexiglas box so everyone could see how much each one put in as they marched up with much fan-fair. Mat 6:1-4, Luk 21:1-4

The abuse of scripture by these filthy lucres Titus 1:11 was blatant Rom. 16:18 and designed to make there followers feel guilty if they did not contribute large amounts. You were either holding back on God or were lacking faith in Him if you did not get back ten fold or more. It reminded me of a lottery slogan; "You have to play to win." The more you play the better your chances of winning are. Jesus’ offer of a more abundant life to those who choose Him is not a promise of wealth or prosperity in this life, but of rest, joy and peace in this life and the next.

The Jews under the law could look at their bank accounts as a measure of their spiritual relationship with God. God promised them many physical blessings if they obeyed Him also physical cursing with separation from the land if they did not. Today believers in Christ have "all spiritual blessings in heavenly places" Eph 1:3, not physical blessings in earthly places. Many "belly" preacher Phil. 3:19 use scriptures pertaining to the physical blessings the Jews would receive and falsely apply them to believers in the church. As some type of performance reward system.

A Jew under the law was required to tithe. The reason for this is that the tribe of Levi received no land inheritance to produce crops, raise cattle or other livestock. They were to serve God and the people performing the work of the tabernacle. The tithe was their inheritance and means of support. Lev 27:30, Num 18:23-32

Although the tithe was part of the Jewish economy under the law system that was nailed to the cross, supporting God’s work and His ministers in the church is supported by scripture. The difference is under the law it was mandatory, in the church giving should be cheerfully and as much as is laid on your heart. 2Cor 2:6-7, 1Tim. 5:18, 2Cor 9:7-14

To promise blessing based on contributions is putting God in debt to the giver (I have done my part, now God must do His) and is appealing to one’s flesh not the spirit of Christ in believers. 

I would question the motives of anyone trying to impose a tithe or make an open display of giving.

March 14 2014 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Mi Shad Ow Supporter Layman
I think they are not focused on their "calling", or they just do not know what the bible says. That is a terrible distraction to the whole congregation. The bible is clear that giving an offering during the sermon is wrong. 
Ecclesiastes 5:1
Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools; for they consider not that they do evil.

Everything has its own time and place. 
Ecclesiastes 3:1
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

A time should be set a side to receive tithes and offering.

February 01 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Img808 Bartley Verner Supporter Elder Emeritus, Christ Presbyterian Church PCA
The participation in worship service is for us, the believers. We are to pray, to praise in word and song, give to the Lord's work, and to hear the Word extolled. Giving our money is an act of and part of our worship. The giving, of money or labor, should from the free will of our heart for the work to be done in the Church. Everything we have belongs to God; we are just temporary stewards of what is allowed us. We should give our money from a heart of joy just as we joyously praise the Lord in song and prayer. 

A portion of money collected is due the pastor for his work among us and that includes preparation and delivery of the sermon. 

Give your money as the Lord enables you. Come to worship with joy and a gracious heart toward the Lord, and you will never be disappointed.

March 14 2014 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Officetoday Pst. Oni Majesty Supporter
The Bible clearly states that we should give. The time of giving is scheduled within the service period. Appoximately 5-10 mins in a 2hrs service. Members are allowed to pray over their offering and tights well labeled and enclosed in an envelop. No one knows what you are giving. The church is now an avenue to ask of financial assistance. God is the one that finance his ministry if was the one that called. You cannot help God. Let everyone give according to his ability and willingly and also cheerfully. I tell you, there is reward for giving for the Kingdom's advancement.

March 19 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Ifeanyi Chukwurah Supporter
To the pure, all things are pure. Until we begin to see what tithing and offering truly is--WORSHIP--some people will always have problems with the manner and time it is given. The first time worship was mentioned in the bible is in connection to giving (Abraham). A genuine lover is quick to give and mustn't necessarily begin to consider the appropriateness of giving. Giving is a sign of love, I cannot love and withhold giving. "For God so loved the world that He GAVE..."

Again, tithing is before the law. Abraham gave a tithe of all to the King of Salem when he returned from war. Tithing did not begin with the law. Tithing is also a command. God says,

Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, 
That there may be food in My house, 
And try Me now in this,” 
Says the LORD of hosts, 
“If I will not open for you the windows of heaven 
And pour out for you such blessing 
That there will not be room enough to receive it. (Malachi 3:10 NKJV)

This does not connote free will, rather it's a command: BRING. 
We must first learn to manifest the love that truly has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, then pittances will never suffice to issues. 
To all saints (believers), let all things truly be pure to the Pure in heart.


December 31 2014 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini ese kerry Supporter Word of Faith Bible Institute graduate
In my opinion Offering (which is what I believe the question terms Pastors accepting money during sermon is) is an integral part of worship. In Exodus 23:15b God commands us never to appear before Him empty handed. In the new testament our Lord Jesus Christ in Mark 12: 41-44 observes people dropping their offering and comments on the widow's mite. And approves. So this is also a New Testament practice. In Malachi 3: 9-12 God makes Tithe and Offering an integral part of worship as He terms it robbery if this is not done. Many churches have different modes of giving offerings but I do not believe it should be seen as a distraction.

March 14 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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