Can offering Zumba dance exercising classes at church be sinful, or lead others to sin?


Clarify Share Report Asked February 18 2014 Mini Art Sada Supporter

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Q jcryle001 JD Abshire Supporter
Immodest (half naked) dress, sensuous and seductive body movements, worldly music, etc. Sinful? YES! Lead others to sin? YES! 

Now my question. What kind of "church" if you can call it that would invite, promote and condone that kind of activity within its walls? God help us!

February 19 2014 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini vanessa pannuti Supporter
My house is attached to a church of one minor Christian denomination, every week they have zumba: it is a nightmare, like a carnival in Brazil, not to mention hearing the exhortation of keeping the rhythm. I usually go out every time they play this music, I even noticed some people wearing t-shirts with skulls printed on them. I don't think a church should run any zumba, I personally believe they should run spiritual exercise instead. It is not a gym. I don't think the activity of dancing is sinful as a concept, the problem is that the performers use dancing in a highly sensual manner; this is what can turn it into a sin.

October 28 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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