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Collin Drew

Stay at Home Mama (O:
Southern Baptist,Baptized when I was very Young,I "think" @ age 9 or maybe 10 yrs. old? Not really sure. My Memory is getting worse as the months go by, that's due to Epilepsy & Long & Short Term Memory Loss. I DO remember SOME of my Childhood, Teen years, on & on. i am so Thankful for having My Sister,Niece,Son & Daughter to Remind Me when I Need it. 
  I did Graduate High School. Years after, I did go to College to attempt an RN Degree,had to go down to a LPN but couldn't ever get that last subject.So,left it all alone for a while,went back for a Health Care Tech,got that one,tried to work but every job I had,,the Stress was Too Much after just 3 months so I had to give it up & go back to Disability.Which is where I am now. Very Thankful for Being Alive with My Children & family Every Day that Our Lord Allows Me to Be! Life is Great & I AM BLESSED!

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