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Lawrence wong

Disciple of iEsou ("Yeh-sou") christou
I'm over 70.  Married, Born in NZ, a 'Kiwi' of Chinese ethnic origin. Was a researcher Dept of Statistics, Social and Demographic Statistics.  Read for M.A. Human Geography, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Thesis: "Chinese Youth in Wellington: a study in social and cultural adjustment of Chinese youth and  the Chinese community 1970-1972 . Completed course M.Div Trinity Theological College of Singapore (Interdenominational) -thesis "The Dragon and the Dove: a study of spiritual warfare between the Kingdom of Satan and the Kingdom of God, and implications for the missiological task of the church and individual christian living in Asia. submitted as part requirement (I proved beyond reasonable doubt that the Dragon in human culture is the Dragon, Satan of the Holy Bible). Have a "tent ministry" like apostle Paul and live by faith in iEsou christou (Mt 1:1 Greek), and led by the Holy Spirit. I am so blessed to be called by ALHYM into His household, to be His son. I agape ABBA, and iEsou  the Christ with all (Lk 10:27-28).   

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