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Joseph Ben Hur

Evangelist, Chaplain at Elderly Care Centre
I am a Jewish Believer in Yeshua Messiah HaMashiac. Having been a believer for over 40 years, during I had an encounter with Hashem who told me of my Jewish ancestry, which later proved to be so in reality. This revelation brought about a whole new learning experience, from looking at the Bible from a western cultural viewpoint to reading it from a completely Jewish viewpoint. It has given me a whole new understanding of insight into the scriptures with a Jewish perspective. 
My walk with Hashem started out at 15 years of age when I bought my first bible, but not really understanding, but believing what I was reading.
My first real encounter with Hashem was in the middle of a minefield in Vietnam in 1969 whilst out on patrol.
It was following that at a church service out in the jungle of Vietnam that I took my first meaningful communion.
I'm 65 and married to a beautiful Lady, Karen, together we have 7 children, 24 grand Children, and 1 Great grand Child.
We live in Levin, (pop; 19,500) New Zealand.

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If a man cannot shorten his life, can you please explain Ecclesiastes 7:17?

There are many ways that one can shorten their lifespan. Yes, it is written...

Comment 1 More Answer Asked June 02 2014


What is the Hebrew Roots movement?

Whilst I can agree with this in part, we must also remember that the early...

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Where did the term "Godparent" came from?

The origin of godparents dates back to the early beginnings of the Christian...

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In ancient Jewish tradition the custom of courting and kissing didn't really...

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