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Merle Mullet

A farmer bears witness to the miracle of life each spring
The evolution of technology impacts what seeds we sow, how we place them in the soil, and how we harvest and market the crop.  But some things never change.  We are deeply indebted to our creator, the one and only true God who gives life to all things.  While we are grateful for our farming heritage, we are even more grateful for our spiritual heritage and the knowledge it is God's blessing which gives us the privilege of partnering in the cycle of new life each spring with the start of of new crop year.

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Does the total depravity doctrine mean that nobody can seek God?

Total depravity is the human condition in which a person has moved beyond any...

Comment 3 More Answers Asked February 17 2024


What does it mean when Jesus says "my yoke is easy and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:30)?

A yoke was a wooden beam which was placed across the shoulders of two animals...

Comment 4 More Answers 3 Votes Asked March 05 2019


Are we predestined to know Christ?

Each time I've read commentary on this verse, the emphasis has been...

Comment 20 More Answers 5 Votes Asked April 01 2016


Does a person exercise "free will" to receive Christ before becoming a Christian?

The right, responsibility, and obligation to freely choose to obey or disobey...

Comment 5 More Answers 2 Votes Asked March 31 2016