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Darius Seals


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How long should I wait to pray for forgiveness after I sin?

Do I have to wait, or can I ask for forgiveness right away?

Comment 4 Answers 4 Votes Asked May 21 2014


Who do we pray to, God or Jesus, in Jesus' name?

I know that the Bible says to pray in Jesus' name, but I'm confused about who...

Comment 5 Votes Asked May 12 2014


Why can't I control my thoughts?

I for a year now I have wicked thoughts about God. Some when I cursed God and...

Comment 3 Answers 3 Votes Asked May 05 2014


Is it wrong to turn down someone who asks for something if it's for someone else?

Example: I bought two boxes of pizzas for my family, there more than 10 of us...

Comment 1 Answer 3 Votes Asked April 30 2014


Do we continue to fast even if we mistakenly ate while fasting?

I was trying to go at least one whole day fasting without eating a thing but...

Comment 7 Answers 1 Vote Asked October 23 2013