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What if a person cannot read or is illiterate? Are they expected to learn the Bible to use as armor and learn about God?

Whether a person is expected to learn the Bible if they are illiterate is a...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked February 23 2024


What did James mean he said to be doers of the word, and not hearers only?

The verse James 1:22, "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only,...

Comment 4 More Answers Asked February 23 2024


Why did Paul say he was not sent to baptize people but to preach gospel? Doesn’t preaching the gospel include baptism, too?

## Paul's Statement in 1 Corinthians 1:17: Understanding the Context In 1...

Comment 3 More Answers 1 Vote Asked February 23 2024


Where in the Bible is it said that ignoring a sin doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist?

From a biblical perspective, ignoring sin is not the same as it not existing....

Comment 3 More Answers 3 Votes Asked February 23 2024


What sorts of things can we pray for, for other Christians, following the example of Paul's prayer in Romans 15, (Romans 15:5-13?)

## Praying for Fellow Christians: Inspired by Romans 15:5-13: In Romans...

Comment 3 More Answers 2 Votes Asked February 19 2024


What does "abounding in hope" mean?

In the context of Romans 15:13, "abounding in hope" takes on a specific...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked February 19 2024


Why appeal to the "name" of the Lord? (Psalm 31:3)

Calling upon the "name" of the Lord is insightful and prompts a multifaceted...

Comment 1 More Answer Asked February 17 2024


Why is John chapter 3 verse 16 popular?

## John 3:16: A Verse of Enduring Popularity and Significance John 3:16,...

Comment 3 More Answers Asked February 17 2024


How was Israel like a burning stick? (Zechariah 3:2)

The imagery of Israel being compared to a "burning stick plucked from the...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked February 17 2024


Who was the Joshua in Zechariah 3:1-10?

## Joshua in Zechariah 3:1-10: A High Priest in Transition It's important to...

Comment 5 More Answers Asked February 17 2024


Why the "filthy clothes"? (Zechariah 3:3)

In Zechariah 3:3, Joshua the high priest is depicted wearing "filthy clothes"...

Comment 2 More Answers Asked February 17 2024


What is the meaning of BC and AD (B.C. and A.D.)?

BC and AD are used to mark years in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. They...

Comment 1 More Answer 2 Votes Asked February 16 2024


What does the Bible say about the concept of a common law marriage?

The Bible doesn't directly address the concept of common-law marriage, which...

Comment 1 More Answer Asked February 16 2024


What does the Bible say about attitude?

## What Does the Bible Say About Attitude? The Bible doesn't have a dedicated...

Comment 2 More Answers Asked February 16 2024