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June Canomay

A Christian,not so much talking about myself but my advocacy is to preach the sound doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ,the spirit of truth in the scripture.The sound doctrine that which is discipline by the scripture in the book 1 Corinthians 4:6" that we should learn and not to think of men above that which is written.In my advocacy i knew that I'm  in battle not against with flesh (carnal) but against power,principalities and against spiritual wickedness but i'm mighty through God to the pulling of fortress,casting preconceive ideas,self CLAIM WISDOM and every thinking that is contrary to the knowledge of God and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of our Lord Jesus Christ.(2 corinthians 10:3).I believe that we could be wise in the sight of our God and to people if we sought not our own wisdom but in finding acceptable words that which was written was upright,even words of truth.

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