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Aaron Biggs

Child of The living Creator of All, learning and loving.
What I would say and what our Savior would say are probably two different things. Early church memories, around 6 years of age, the Hyway Gospel volunteers would pick us children up at our mobile home park in 1970 and bring us every Friday night to Children's Meeting. I felt the presence of The Living Creator of All and believed the Word. Therefore as a child I accepted the Holy Ghost as a gift and Tongues yet they were not taught so much by the pastor. The Holy Spirit gave  visions of which several have come to pass. Much of the relationship with the Son of The Living Creator of All has been personal and not in a regular Sunday scheduled. Reading the Word through a few times and still reading today at 54 years of age. Real miracles of The Living Creator are witnessed daily and are shared with my wife of 32 years. In fact our marriage is one of those gifts we are thankful for each day. The front line is where the battle has been in this journey and frankly have been in many places and circumstances unbecoming of a Christian that was obedient. Obedience not always a strong suit as it was extreme in both directions at times. Work-aholic, risk taking entrepreneur bible thumper self righteous fanatic,liar, thief, luster, gangster, and drug addict to name few well faded worldly traits and the battle with flesh continues daily. Advocating, spreading the Gospel, intercessor, unconditional loving, confession hearing, interpret ting, and even vessel of healing, worker of The Living Creator of All. Not all bad not all good. Been real bad been real good. Doubly thankful saved by faith and through grace have been given the gift of salvation.  

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How can the church achieve a true, biblical unity?

Unity is only mentioned a few times. The scripture lays out how we should...

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How do you know if it is God tugging at your heart and not the devil tempting you?

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