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Meluleki Maphosa

Amateur Bible Student
I have been a church fully committed christian for the last 31 years. I became a christian through reading the bible and making a conscious decision to join a certain church and I have not looked back ever since. Through the years I have discovered that the work of the Holy Spirit is to simplify the bible and make it talk to us. I believe that all that God ever wanted to say to Mankind is contained in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. God is committed to making us understand His word as long as we cooperate with Him in this regard.

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Does the Bible marginalize women?

In my view it is not the Bible per se that marginalises women or looks down...

Comment 6 More Answers 1 Vote Asked February 07 2020


Why should I talk about my faith in the workplace?

My opinon is that there should be less talking and more doing good in the...

Comment 3 More Answers 2 Votes Asked January 22 2020


What does the Bible say about legalism? How can a Christian avoid falling into the trap of legalism?

Personally I am loath to use the word legalism. My reasoning is simple. The...

2 Comments 4 More Answers 4 Votes Asked December 31 2019


Where did the demons go after they went into the pigs and caused them to jump to their death?

In my view our attention is drawn away from the real issues that this story...

1 Comments 1 More Answer 7 Votes Asked December 27 2019


Why does God allow evil men like Hitler and Saddam to come into power?

This in my view is a question that a lot of us ask, one way or the other...

2 Comments 5 More Answers 4 Votes Asked April 22 2019


What is the meaning of the Parable of the Sower?

In my view there is a more profound lesson to be learned in this parable than...

Comment 3 More Answers 3 Votes Asked March 19 2018


Why did Jesus tell the rich young ruler he could be saved by obeying the commandments?

Jesus started from level of the young ruler’s understanding of religion –...

Comment 3 More Answers 2 Votes Asked March 13 2018


Why does God send people to hell?

The short and simple answer is that God doesn’t send anyone to hell. Jesus...

Comment 7 More Answers 2 Votes Asked December 31 2017


Is it wrong for a Christian husband and wife to attend separate churches?

Whilst the ideal situation is that both husband and wife attend the same...

Comment 7 More Answers Asked December 29 2017


Did the writers of the New Testament regard their writings as Scripture?

My view is that most of them apart John in Revelation didn’t aim to have...

Comment 5 More Answers 2 Votes Asked December 27 2017


What are your thoughts on a significant sign from God in the stars supposedly occurring Sept 23, 2017? It's taken from Rev. 12.

We need to establish the fact that God doesn’t communicate with humans...

Comment 3 More Answers 3 Votes Asked September 18 2017


Is there a biblical list of sins?

In order to adequately attend to this question, it is important to...

2 Comments 6 More Answers 3 Votes Asked September 10 2017


What did Jesus mean when He said, "It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs? (Matthew 15:26 ESV)

What did Jesus really mean when He said “I can’t take the food that belongs...

1 Comments 4 More Answers 10 Votes Asked August 23 2017


What was the significance of the temple veil being torn in two when Jesus died?

One significant fact that should be noted is that only Mathew records this...

Comment 3 More Answers 6 Votes Asked June 03 2017


How can I know what God's plan is?

This is what every human being ought to be asking themselves daily and every...

Comment 7 More Answers 4 Votes Asked April 27 2017