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Joe Eterno

Renaissance man, one of many experiences...
Once upon a time I was being raised to be a Catholic. Then after the birth of my first born son who had a heart defect, God called me out of the church of Catholicism, this took place just before my son under went he's second open heart surgery and passed away after several days in intensive care.  Hesitant to curse God for my son's death, I accepted the fact I was living life in a world occupied by Satan. 
Not knowing where God was calling me next.  I just stayed the course, until He saw fit to take me to the next level. After many years of looking for answers and studying His Word my faith grew stronger and stronger. 
My next life experience was when my mother suffered a brain aneurysm at the age of (48). Again I never quite understood why all this trama was happening in my life, but I still never held God to blame. 
The next heartbreak event was when my wife and mother of (3) children told me she was in love with another man. Today it's easy to write about these events without experiencing all the pain and heartache. But I must confess out of all the hurt I had to endure the most painful one was to find out the love of my life the mother of my children cheated on me.   
Today I would consider myself a free lance Christian. After looking for and trying several different churches, I have no church I call my own today. However when in need I always remember God is in control even if the answer is not blatantly written on the wall. I know the Holy Spirit is always at work answering my concerns through my prayers.     

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