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Galen Smith

Retired from Multnomah Bible College and Biblical Seminary


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How can I have assurance of my salvation?

Although some people claim that we can never know for sure we are saved until...

1 Comments 6 More Answers 2 Votes Asked November 29 2016


Who is "the word" that was in the beginning in John 1?

John 1:1-2 introduces us to “the Word” who was in the beginning, and was with...

Comment 4 More Answers 3 Votes Asked November 28 2016


What Bible translation is closest to the original written scriptures?

The Bible was written mostly in Hebrew and Greek. Since most of us are not...

4 Comments 12 More Answers 18 Votes Asked October 17 2016


When we ask for forgiveness do we have to name our specific sins, or can we just ask for forgiveness in a more general sense?

For many years Psalm 19:12-13 has been a favorite of mine when it comes to...

1 Comments 4 More Answers 8 Votes Asked October 17 2016


What is a dispensationalist?

The word “dispensation” is related to the Latin term dispensatio, which means...

1 Comments 2 Votes Asked June 16 2015


What is the significance of naming the mothers of the kings in Old Testament, of both Judah & Israel?

It is always difficult to judge the motives or reasons that others do things,...

1 Comments 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked April 23 2015


Is the 'ACTA PILATI' (The Archko Volume) genuine, or is it a hoax by Rev Mahan?

In the latter half of the 19th century, religious liberalism was on the rise....

1 Comments 7 Votes Asked April 11 2015


What does Paul mean when he says to not let anyone judge us in regard to keeping the Sabbath?

 Colossians 2:16 — “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or...

13 Comments 4 More Answers 11 Votes Asked April 04 2015


Why are the Bibles on this site different than the printed versions?

Bridget, since I'm not in any way part of the staff that established or...

1 Comments 10 Votes Asked March 31 2015


Are these the words of Jesus or a narrative that was added?

If I knew who said that John 3:16-21 was not what Jesus actually said and why...

2 Comments 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked March 31 2015


What and where is the mountain of God in Psalm 48:1?

Back when God gave instructions to Moses for building the tabernacle, the...

Comment 6 Votes Asked March 30 2015


If water baptism is so important, why does the Bible not reference Jesus having water-baptized the twelve apostles?

It is difficult to venture a guess at why things happen, but it can be even...

1 Comments 1 More Answer 5 Votes Asked March 21 2015


Why is there so little written in the Bible about Joseph, Jesus' earthly father?

Let me start by saying there is nowhere in the Bible where God explains why...

Comment Asked March 20 2015


Why do people call themselves born again Christians, when that term is not found in the Bible?

It can be precarious to explain why other people do things, especially if...

4 Comments 1 More Answer 7 Votes Asked March 20 2015


What does it mean to render your heart and not your garment?

The word in this passage is "rend," not "render." It was the custom of...

Comment 1 More Answer 6 Votes Asked March 18 2015