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David Lachance

Retired, energy specialist, B.S. CSU Chico,CA,
In 1971 after reading "The Late Great Planet Earth" while in the Navy, I spent 3 days fasting, praying then received the Holy Spirit. Heard Gods voice and had a connection to him whenever I prayed. It gave me the joy and power to stop using drugs, alcohol and the rest of my pagan life style.
   While reading the bible a man came up to me and introduced me to a Adventist chaplain. Not knowing the bible I accepted all he taught and was baptized. I was transferred to another base, but the Adventist church there was dead. Was introduced to a Pentecostal church and was amazed by the power in the service. Then the battle began, the church of my baptisim or this new church that seems so alive. I don't know what happened but it got a lot harder to get connected in prayer. Even praying for hours and all night sometimes I couldn't get connected. I knew that without the power and joy I received in prayer I would not overcome the temptation of going back to my old life.
    After many years of living life in the flesh again, I realized this life was failing me and could identify with the son eating with the pigs. One day I heard Chuck Missler on the radio talk about time, space and prophecy. For the next few years I started doing bible studies and listening to Missler and Chuck Smith. I became very knowledgeable of the bible and my life got better. But I never got connected again and I still struggle with the hold the flesh has on me.

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Why are many believers first on fire for God but later fade in their passion?

I wonder about this every day. Being raised in a heathen home with drugs and...

1 Comments 7 More Answers 1 Vote Asked March 20 2014