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Rita Lovett

Retired educator and childcare director who has raised 5 !
I was born in Norfolk, Virginia and graduated college to work 9 years in Norfolk Public Schools! I married a Army soldier and raised 5 daughters in Atlanta , Georgia where he was born! I had rheumatoid arthritis and the pain left after prayer! That miracle of healing led me to the Lord after repenting of all my ungodly sins! I was 27 when I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and prophesy! After spending 9 years in Germany with stateside assignments in Kentucky and Texas, teaching became my passion along with praying too! Now with 11 grandchildren and seven surviving siblings, we reside in Georgia and love the surrounding community! God has been faithful and this is My season for Grace and Favor! 

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Why do we need to pray?

Thanking God for His wisdom and the daily benefits that He loads on us is...

Comment 10 More Answers 2 Votes Asked July 07 2016