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Iliani Tuikenatabua

Avionics Engineer at Fiji Airways.
I was born to a Methodist father and an AOG mother. I see that as the hand of God as it triggered a desire within me to find out the real interpretation of the Bible as God purposed it to be interpreted and to be shared. I have come to the conclusion that every denomination has certain truths and some man-made doctrines. Unfortunately we have 'institutionalized' our various denominations to reflect our different interpretations of the various versions of the English Bible.

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Is hell real? Is hell eternal?

The "eternal fire" of hell is one hot topic! It has been misunderstood by the...

1 Comments 8 More Answers 2 Votes Asked September 11 2017


How is eternity in hell a fair punishment for sin?

The "eternal fire" of hell is one hot topic! It has been misunderstood by the...

1 Comments 23 More Answers 2 Votes Asked September 11 2017