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Donna Adams

Old crazy-haired lady that loves God
I'm widowed, disabled, living in a soup can in a little town near Cincinnati, Ohio. I have three daughters who live near me. The youngest one is really near. She is my caregiver ☺. I have two grandsons living; one is a sophomore in HS and one a manager at Chipotle's. He and his wife have my great-grandson who just turned one year old. He's adorable and a live wire! I'd forgotten just how active 1-yr olds were. 
I can't say just when I started loving God, but I was young. My mother was the daughter of a Baptist preacher but was in rebellion. My father was interested in many religions along with mythology and drawn to Zen Buddhism. I had no organized religion in my early life other than sneaking into the church next door, sometimes talking with a kindly priest but most often chased away by nuns. When I was about 10 I started attending various churches and started learning about Jesus and loving Him. I have had years of rebellion and sought his mercy and forgiveness. Because of being unable to stand I haven't been in services for nearly a year and I miss it terribly, but hoping He'll strengthen me and I can go again. I attend a Church of Christ and dearly love my family there. 
I've gotten away from Bible reading and hope to stick with this. Covet your prayers!         

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