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Lisa Gilbert

I am a mom with an obsession for the Lord, Jesus Christ!:)
I gave my life to Christ in kindergarten when I raised my hand at church as a very young girl.  Christ FELT SO IMPORTANT to me.  I could feel His presence all around me.  That feeling came back often at certain times in my life.  The feeling that His presence gave me was like no other I had felt.  I was baptised a few years ago with my two girls in the Methodist Church.  The happiest most fulfilling day in my life.  I can not express in words the love I have for Christ because there are no words strong enough.  "Love" doesn't even feel strong enough.  My family history is steeped in the Methodist ideology being a Strawbridge on my father's side.  And I feel a great connection there.  I continue to thirst for knowledge and understanding about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that has actually led me here.  I am so gratefull, in awe, in love, and completely inspired by the words of God!  God Bless... 

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Is it wrong to plan ahead? (James 4:13–15)

I don't think there is a problem with planning ahead, although there are...

Comment 1 More Answer 3 Votes Asked June 04 2021


What does it mean to be "poor in spirit"? How does someone become "poor in spirit"?

“Poor in spirit” is found in the beatitudes. It means to be "spiritually...

Comment 1 More Answer 2 Votes Asked June 02 2021