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  1. Should a believer choose to give the gospel to a non-believer who is most likely to reject Jesus?
  2. Why is the word "wages" used instead of the word "punishment" in the phrase "the wages of sin is death"?
  3. Why would people believe that wooden and metal figures had power (Jeremiah 10:3-16)?

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Answer by Kelli Trujillo , Loving Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Teacher, Musician

How do I obtain genuine love for those who seek to destroy me?

I've also struggled with this issue at various times (I'm sure we all have at one time or another), and I've found that the advice given in Matthew 5:43-48...

June 29 2013 2 Comments 11 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

How do I obtain genuine love for those who seek to destroy me?

I am struggling with loving my enemies. Can someone suggest ways I can go about obtaining genuine love for those who seek to destroy me?

Matthew 5:43 - 48

6 Votes June 29 2013 1 Comment 12 Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Rodney Brown

How do I obtain genuine love for those who seek to destroy me?

If you have enemies of the spiteful malicious type, then this confronting assault can be overwhelming at times. "Know how you feel" What I do is try to think...

June 29 2013 11 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Rodney Brown

How can I help someone who argues that he knows when the world will end?

As long as he's not predicting the day and the exact hour, then what's your problem?? Jesus himself said we should be able to know his nearness by signs of...

June 29 2013 1 Comments 11 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Wayne Newcomb

Why is Jesus God?

1 John 3:16 also says that God layed down his life for us do definitely Jesus is God in flesh and came to this earth to be made of no reputation so that we...

June 29 2013 14 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Isaiah kayode Ajisafe , Public Servant, Elder in The Apostolic Church, Nigeria

How can I help someone who argues that he knows when the world will end?

The Bible made us to understand that as regards the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ nobody knows the day or the time of His coming brethen the issue...

June 29 2013 2 Comments 11 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Susan Mateo

Why will judgment begin in the house of God?

Just as Israel was to be the light to the nations of the holiness, justice and love of God, so now the Church is in this age to be the same. Our lives are to...

June 29 2013 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Anonymous

How can I help someone who argues that he knows when the world will end?

I do not even refute the position. If they feel they know, fine. What I consider to be more important is that we be vigilant in our efforts to spread the...

June 29 2013 1 Comments 11 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

Why are we taught that we would go to heaven when the Bible says that a new earth will be created?

Revelation 14:3 says that 144,000 will be redeemed from the earth. When people say that they want to go to heaven, is it safe to assume that they are hoping...

Isaiah 65:17

6 Votes June 29 2013 1 Comment 7 Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Anonymous

How can I help someone who argues that he knows when the world will end?

The responses above are great and exact. What questions I ask those who claim or have an opinion on the future is 1) who's making the claim 2) where are they...

June 29 2013 2 Comments 11 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Sandy Koepsell , Child of God

How can I help someone who argues that he knows when the world will end?

When someone ask me the question or think he may know when The Lord is coming, I simply say, the bible says no one knows the time or place. We are here each...

June 29 2013 1 Comments 11 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Márkus Máté

Why did Jesus say, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

I'm convinced that this question is one of the most important questions of the Bible. We have the right to ask, why Jesus asked it on the cross. (1) Jesus is...

June 29 2013 17 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Andrea Spirit ,

Is it possible to enter into the kingdom of God without water baptism?

I do believe in water baptism. I myself was baptized when Jesus saved me. But what about those who got saved but died before receiving their baptism? Did...

June 29 2013 4 Comments 23 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Ezra King , Ezra King

Was Sunday ever established as the official day of worship for New Testament Christians?

Sunday was never established as the day of worship anywhere in the bible. Lets take a look at this verse and see what it really says. There are a couple...

June 29 2013 4 Comments 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Daniel Rinker

Was Sunday ever established as the official day of worship for New Testament Christians?

I believe it was, since it was on the first day of the week one week earlier that Mary Magdalene and several other women saw the empty tomb (the event that...

June 28 2013 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

Why will judgment begin in the house of God?

1 Peter 4:17

5 Votes June 28 2013 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Pam Johnson

What ever became of the Ark of the Covenant?

Matthew 11:11 Jesus is speaking and he says that no one born of woman was greater than John the Baptist, yet even those who are least in the Kingdom of...

June 28 2013 18 Comments 7 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Pam Johnson

Why do some people in the church say not to take the Bible literally?

Because they don't want to obey it and have little faith in believing all God has said. I would pray for the people who have difficulty taking God at his...

June 28 2013 2 Comments 9 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tara Rollins

Does a believer ever become perfect?

Our perfection is in Christ, total sinlessness will not be perfected until we are gone from this world! 1 John 3:1-3 "See how great a love the Father has...

June 28 2013 1 Comments 5 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Pam Johnson

What does the Bible say about remarriage?

God is the author of life and death. God is also the author of marriage and that covenant between two people. While I agree based on God's word there are...

June 28 2013 5 Comments 7 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Kelli Trujillo , Loving Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Teacher, Musician

How can I help someone who argues that he knows when the world will end?

In Matthew 24:36, Jesus tells us that no one knows when that day will actually be--not even Himself or the angels in heaven--but the Father alone knows. If...

June 28 2013 13 Comments 11 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Nancy McKay

How can I help someone who argues that he knows when the world will end?

I cannot find anything that gives an exact date. A friend is consumed by false claims that others are making about the end of the world (2017) and other clai...

Daniel 1:1 - 21

2 Votes June 28 2013 12 Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Victoria Mitchell

How does one know one has the Holy Spirit? What are the signs?

You do not need to speak in tongues to know you have the Holy Spirit of wisdom within you. I am living proof of that. The Most High has worked miracles in...

June 28 2013 9 Comments 20 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Joann Schlachter

What ever became of the Ark of the Covenant?

If one understands the theology of the ark and it's significance, then one will see that ark was replaced by Mary. She contained the literal presence of God...

June 28 2013 15 Comments 7 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Joann Schlachter

Would remarriage after a divorce still be considered adultery if abuse is involved?

No. You may get the divorce, but you may not remarry. A true marriage is indissoluble; therefore remarriage would be adultery. Abuse has no effect on The...

June 28 2013 6 Comments 6 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Vincent Mercado , Skeptic turned believer, Catholic, father of 3

What ever became of the Ark of the Covenant?

The Ark of the Covenant is NOW in God's Temple in Heaven, as seen by John. c.f. Revelations 11

June 28 2013 3 Comments 7 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Vincent Mercado , Skeptic turned believer, Catholic, father of 3

Can you be a murderer and a Christian?

A person becomes a Christian when he is baptized. After baptism, this identity cannot be taken away from him. No one and nothing can take that identity, his...

June 28 2013 22 Comments 6 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Anonymous

What does the Bible say about remarriage?

Divorce and remarriage are sins but Jesus died for these and other less spectacular sins. Many of these "other" sins are repeated by us sinners as well....

June 27 2013 2 Comments 7 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Bob Johnson , Layperson. Self Educated Theologically - see full bio

Why do some people in the church say not to take the Bible literally?

It depends on how you define the word "literal"... What does the sentence I just wrote, above, mean? Does "literal" mean that we should read the Bible in the...

June 27 2013 4 Comments 9 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Kelli Hamann , Loving Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Teacher, Musician

Why is the Church so divided?

I think that the church is divided because it is human nature to disagree about certain issues and to band together with those that agree with our point of...

June 27 2013 9 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Chris Eleam , Chris Eleam

Does a believer ever become perfect?

Excellent comments also keep in mind perfection is in a relative sense and not perfect like our first parents Adam and Eve had perfection, under this ungodly...

June 27 2013 5 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Chris Eleam , Chris Eleam

When David wrote this psalm, I often wondered if he was really prophesying about the Messiah or did the Gospel writers just use this to back up their writing?

Davids prophecy was unerringly accurate and was fulfilled to the letter. Consider, Aspects of the Messiah’s impalement were foretold. “The assembly of...

June 27 2013 1 More Answer Follow Vote Up

Answer by Leonard (ZQMA*9) Eugene Adavidsson-Swanston, Jr. , Hagios Phos |9|

When were/are our souls created?

I Greet Thee with a Christian kiss, humble to the Saints who are with us and gathered together with Christ Jesus {where two or more are gathered there He is...

June 26 2013 5 Comments 13 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Cheryl Cole

When were/are our souls created?

I don't think we can know for certain when our souls were/are created. We know that our bodies are created at conception and have 9 months to become fully...

June 26 2013 38 Comments 13 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Abel Christian

What is the significant of the scribes?

Fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah, God intends to show us the true genuinity of compassion and of our love for Him with all our hearts,not just by lips, as...

June 26 2013 2 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by James Bryant

When were/are our souls created?

Simple answer. Soul is flesh and spirit combined. If one dies, then there is no more soul life.

June 26 2013 13 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Lorraine Andrews

When were/are our souls created?

In the book of Genesis, the description of God creating man ends with the verse saying "and the man became a living soul". KJV We do not have a soul, we are...

June 26 2013 13 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Seth Freeman

When were/are our souls created?

At the moment of conception. God created us as both physical and spiritual beings. We will always be both physical and spiritual beings. When Christ returns...

June 26 2013 12 Comments 13 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Tim Scott

When were/are our souls created?

Correct. We don't have a soul. We are souls. Souls can die. Ezekiel 18:4;20. When God created man, he took the body he made and breathed life into him. Man...

June 26 2013 1 Comments 13 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Anonymous

When will the Holy Spirit be taken out of the world?

1 corinthians 13:10 but o when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. scripture says that the gifts of spirit will cease at Christ's 2nd comming but...

June 26 2013 5 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Dan Rivers , Christian, Husband, Grandfather, Son, AT&T retiree

Can you be a murderer and a Christian?

The question i would ask is the professed christian still continuing and living in the sin as a murderer or a homosexual or whatever sin it may be.Whether...

June 26 2013 2 Comments 6 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Anonymous

When will the Holy Spirit be taken out of the world?

I see the Holy Spirit leaking or "leaching" out of this world. One drop at a time with each generation. The Anti-Chirst will be like a giant sponge sopping...

June 26 2013 5 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Ezra King , Ezra King

What about repeated sin?

O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 7:14-25 AMP We know that the...

June 26 2013 7 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Ezra King , Ezra King

Can one be saved without inviting the Holy Spirit?

Ephesians 4:30 AMP And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God [do not offend or vex or sadden Him], by Whom you were sealed (marked, branded as God’s own,...

June 26 2013 11 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Nan Chenevey

Can one be saved without inviting the Holy Spirit?

The answer is simple, yes! He is the one who bears witness with our spirit that we have eternal life. Acts 15:8 when we the Gentiles believe the gospel then...

June 26 2013 11 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Sarah Newcomb

Can one be saved without inviting the Holy Spirit?

The bible says unless you be born of the water and spirit you can't enter the kingdom of heaven. John 3:5 Acts 2:38 says to repent and be baptized in the...

June 25 2013 11 More Answers Follow Vote Up

Answer by Ezra King , Ezra King

When will the Holy Spirit be taken out of the world?

Then I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds so they did not blow on the earth or the sea, or even on any...

June 25 2013 1 Comments 5 More Answers Follow Vote Up