What was the principle behind the offering of first fruits?


Leviticus 23:10

ESV - 10 Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, When you come into the land that I give you and reap its harvest, you shall bring the sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest.

Clarify Share Report Asked December 17 2014 1395504933 Bencharles Anioke Supporter

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Mini James Kraft

Jesus is the first fruit. Since He was raised from the dead, so we will be raised from the dead.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. All believers will be saved, John 3:18, and receive our new sinless bodies at the resurrection. The rapture of the church.

The dead in Christ shall rise first, and those who remain alive will be transformed and go with them to meet the Lord in the clouds. Note: Jesus does not come back to the earth until the end of the 7 year tribulation period.

When He comes back at the end of the tribulation we will come with Him. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53.

July 03 2022 Report

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