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That is, how does the moral decline begin? Why does it seem to accelerate so quickly once moral decay begins?
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Great question and in my humble opinion simply stated, it begins with the breaking of God's first commandment, then followed by the second, after which it's downhill very quickly. (Exodus 20:3; Exodus 20:4) First: accepting a false premise (a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn) such as atheism's caterwauling mantra "there is no god" or the in vogue fashionable lite version "he's dead". Second: accepting false precepts (a doctrine that is taught) via the propagators within the administrative ideological industrial educational complex. Note: when the supreme court removed the ten commandments from schools, a sentence stated that someone maybe unduly influenced by them.(Habakkuk 1:4) With no true and absolute moral standards for guidance, man is now free to pursue his evil sinful human nature without any societal restrictions placed upon him. If there is no god or better still you can make a god of your own liking, then all things are permitted consequence free to society of course.(Psalms 14:1) Historically a common thread of three items are present in the collapse of various empires and civilizations. 1. They would worship another god or a pantheon of gods. 2. They would sacrifice their children to these gods. 3. The governing bodies would promote and encourage open homosexually, and after a short time, the societies would collapse from within. God is most loving and merciful, but He alone is the judge of His creation. I submit that the sinful humans drilling holes in the bottom of society's boat (because it's their right, blah, blah) weaken the structural nature of Gods original design. My the water line seems to be getting closer, but this deck chair is so comfortable and the band is still playing, why worry? Consider above item #2: at a speech to planned parenthood (murder incorporated) the president, said god bless you for your work (which god was he referring to, I wonder?).(Mark 10:42) "God is dead" "morality is herd instinct in the individual" The Gay Science by Fridrich Nietzche 1844-1889 German theology and philology In the Lord's freedom, "God lives" and "Nietzche is dead"...........warrior on
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