Does the bible have any references on how to choose a church home?

My wife and I are not agreeing a church home and I would like to know more about what the bible says on this topic.

Clarify (1) Share Report Asked February 18 2015 Mini ROD WILSON SR Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Stringio Vincent Mercado

What is a church home?

February 19 2015 Report

Mini Dawn M. Fick

A 'church home' is a place where you can meet with a group of people who have like mind with you, actually do become your family, who will care and support you and be there when you fall and rejoice, your responsible to them and accountable, they will give purpose to your life. Much joy and heartache is to be found in a 'church family', lead first with the love of Jesus in your heart and all is sure to go well for you.

February 19 2015 Report

Mini nolitha ndeleni

A church home is a church where you feel accepted, loved and where you can feel the presence of God.

February 19 2015 Report

Stringio Vincent Mercado

Do you mean a cell group?

February 20 2015 Report

Mini pj edelman

If you have found churches with sound doctrine and good scriptural teaching, the disagreement is probably rooted in fellowship issues. If you choose to act as a unilateral-decision-making leader, perhaps it would behoove you to have some in-depth discussions with your wife so you can better understand what it is she needs from the church that she feels she will not get from the church you want to attend.

If you choose to make this decision in concert with your wife, perhaps the two of you should discuss what EACH of you need and then feel free to visit as many chuches as necessary to find one that meets your criteria, so long as you hold the line on doctrine and teaching.

This need not be a cause for contention if you look at it as an opportunity to gain a deeper undersatanding of each other's spiritual and fellowship needs.

February 20 2015 Report

Closeup Jennifer Rothnie

The church is the body of Christ, so anywhere one is gathered with other believers is 'home' with the church. There is no actual requirement that we settle on only one group of people to meet with.

For example, in regards to more formalized/regular meetings, my fiancee and I currently attend two different services on Sunday, as well as a group on Friday. We debated picking just one, and were going to the different services while we brainstormed (He didn't want to just 'pick one' unilaterally) - but have decided that the two different services is actually quite nice, and it lets us be connected with more of the local church body than just one would.

February 23 2015 Report

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