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Is it possible for a person in the SDA church to be saved? As a former SDA member, it seems to me they put the teachings of Ellen G. White above the teachings of Jesus and the Bible.
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In my opinion there is nothing taught in a Seventh-day Adventist Church that could possibly prevent you from being saved. Being saved is a relationship between you and God. You accept God's free gift of salvation, which has nothing to do with what church you go to, who your pastor is, what he/she said last weekend, or anything else. Nothing can stand in the way of your salvation, you choose to accept that Jesus died for your sins and the only thing you have to do is accept that free gift. With that said, there still is the rest of your life and what you do to get to know Jesus better, listening to the Holy Spirit to allow God to direct you to become the person that God wants you to become (not that He is just wanting to control you, it's just that He know's what is best for you and wants that for you). Getting back to the Seventh-day Adventist church, yes, they do teach some things that go against the Bible, just like every other church in the world. God alone knows everything, the rest of us gets things wrong. Some churches get more things wrong than others, but don't put that between you and God and use that as an excuse to reject God and his free gift of salvation. You mentioned Ellen G. White. Some people in the Seventh-day Adventist Church puts her above the Bible, some people use her writings to expound on what the Bible says, other people think that she was used by God to deliver messages to people during her time just like God uses people in our time to deliver messages to people around us. Just because God talks through someone to tell them something that they need to hear at that time doesn't mean that person is a "prophet" like those in the Bible. I was raised as a Seventh-day Adventist and was told from the time I was a child that EGW never contradicted the Bible. That's wrong. For example, Jesus said that he would be dead for 3 days and 3 nights. Ellen G. White, like most of the world said that He was dead 1 day and 2 nights. Who are you going to believe? Jesus, or Ellen G. White? It's not a hard question, Jesus is right and Ellen G. White is wrong. I am currently a Seventh-day Adventist and I regularly go to a Seventh-day Adventist Church. Since my salvation is between God and I, and NOT between the Seventh-day Adventist Church and I, I'm not bothered by the fact that they teach some things that are wrong because no matter what church I go to, they are going to have something wrong because we are sinful humans that make mistakes and get things wrong. Base everything on what you read in the Bible for yourself and you should pray about what you read and what anyone says that the Bible means and ask God to tell you what is right. God will guide you to understand what He wants you to understand, at the time He wants you to understand something. In other words, read your Bible, pray for understanding and wait for Him to answer you when He feels that you are ready to hear the answer.
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