How does an individual know if he or she is talking to God or the devil?


Clarify Share Report Asked June 04 2016 Mini Anthony Hairston Supporter

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Mini Nicole McLean Supporter
Remember that the devil is a created being, he is not God nor does he have the powers of God. He can't read minds, and he can't be everywhere at once as God can because God is omnipresent and omniscient. Anything you think, pray, speak, you can know that God is there and listening! Since the devil is limited in his power, he can't be there all the time and if you pray in Jesus' name, the devil won't be there! Just keep praying and talking to God, knowing He is always there, and if the devil is listening, he doesn't like what he's hearing!

June 05 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Robert Bills Supporter High Pursuit Ministries
To truly communicate with someone there has to be relationship. A simple sounding concept but one not understood by even a lot of professing believers. It is really easy for me to communicate with my Wife we have relationship, we are family and not strangers. The One true God is our heavenly Father, which being said it is good to be specific to whom you are speaking, like Jesus said in Matthew chapter 6 "When you pray do so in this manner" and He started by saying "Our Father who art in heaven" specifically addressing whom this is directed to. The One True God is Father to all who have a redemptive covenant with Jesus, with repentance for forgiveness of sin. Through this we become "children of the Father" (John 1:12) which makes us family. 

We know the voices of our family members and they know our voices, there is a different level of communication there than with just anybody, there are things you can talk about that you wouldn't discuss with a complete stranger. The devil is a liar, Jesus called him the father of lies(John 8:44), he comes but only to kill, steel, and destroy (John 10:10) there is major negativity directly linked to our enemy the devil, not that we never come off negative to Father God if perhaps we are in a bad situation, but the devil is the present controller of the world so unfortunately we have to deal with negative situations, we know this because he offered all the kingdoms of the world to Jesus if He would bow down and worship (Matthew 4:9) that is not something the devil could have offered if he didn't have control. 

Our Father is a God of abundance, peace, Joy through His Holy Spirit. When I am in communication with Father God there is a peaceful feeling, not that we should base things on emotions, that has become a problem in certain circles, basing everything on something that is nothing more than emotionalism. 

Jesus said my sheep hear and know my voice and I know them (John 10:27). When a conversation happens there is typically a response from the person you are conversing with, the best way to know for sure if it is Father God who is responding is the response will always line up with God's Word aka the Bible. If the response you get does not line up with scripture then you will know that your enemy is trying to throw his 2 cents in. All in all it still goes back to relationship, having close family type relationship with our Father God through our King Jesus.

June 05 2016 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Scan14 Michael Tinsley Supporter Retired Army veteran. Love my Bible (Jesus) and fishing.
The devil and his partners don't have any power like the Lord's. They are limited in range and ability by the armor God has given us, Ephesians 6:10-18.

Verse 18 says,' And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.'

You indwelling Holy Spirit will direct your prayers to the Lord and if you can't think what to say, He will pray for you, Romans 8:26,' Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.'

Your prayers will always go to Jesus and the Lord God so have faith that you are well protected against the devil.

June 05 2016 5 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini DEAN R. DONAHUE Supporter
In the beginning was the word......John1:1, and from that beginning came a new relationship with the Creator and His Son. Every word that proceeded from the mouth of God and His Son was written down in His Holy Testaments. From these written texts we can learn about the character of the Author.

I have studied the Scriptures and have found a very profound conclusion concerning the Christian lifestyle. Even if the Bible were simply a conglomeration of clever philosophies, I would follow it because of the character of the main focus, Jesus.

When I read the scriptures in full study, I can feel the power of God caressing each concept. This feeling is a dangerous place, however. Interjecting one's own opinion on the clarity of God's direction through the written Word is exactly where Satan will try to confound us.

Let me give a recent example of Satan's attempt to confound a very simple subject......

I was reading the story where Jesus instructs the man afflicted for 38 years to pick up His mat and walk......The implication when discussed with some people I study with seemed to be that Jesus condoned laboring on the Sabbath. I know from previous readings and study that the character of God does not condone Sabbath labor.(Exodus 20) Concerning personal labor and common weekly lifestyle, I know that God has asked us to refrain, but He does not ask us to be ridiculous in our interpretations.

Doing good on the Sabbath and concentrating on a dedicated recognition of His set aside Day is the implied meaning and fits the character of the Written Word and the overall depiction of the Author. Yet here inlay the dilemma of our question.

Satan, when tempting Jesus in the wilderness, quoted scripture to the very inspiration of it's origin. Satan was capable of speaking back what was written yet placed it out of context and out of character. Jesus of course corrects Satan's error by stating the correct context and the clarity to each of his temptations.

Just as Satan tempted Jesus, we must learn to combat the compromises of Satan's twisting of God's Word by having a command and reverence for it. When you read the Bible, you are hearing His Voice. When you comprehend the meaning and philosophy of the scriptures, you can begin to know the Character of Our Creator. Once you know that Character, nothing short of His Holy Presence will do. There is no substitute for Jesus, thus, His Presence can not be impersonated.

As long as the Truth is sought in prayer, Jesus is faithful to teach us that Truth. Sure, there will be false Messiahs and an anti-Christ, but these too are recognized by scriptural knowledge and by the character they lack. 

When you need to hear the voice of God, look to His Son, the One who speaks and tells us all things. Certainly in it's time, God reveals Himself and gives us clarity to His spoken Words. You will always know whether it is God or Satan by reproving the issues through study of His Spoken Testaments.

Dean Donahue, Show Low, Arizona

June 06 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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