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Do angels experience temptation?

If angels, like lucifer/satan have free will to turn on God, do they have any reason to turn? (Do they experience temptation from satan?)

Clarify Share Report Asked June 21 2016 Mini Anonymous

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Data Steven Best Supporter Former mil intel analyst, chiropractor & Bible Teacher
James 1:13-14 denies any culpability with God, and squarely places the origin of temptation in our own evil desires. This clearly applies to the Angels as well, since Scripture clearly states that God does not tempt anyone. Isaiah 14:12-14 gives a prime example in explaining Lucifer's fall, for he said in his heart "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the amount of assembly in the recesses of the North… I will make myself like the most high…." Self pride along with coveting the position of highest exultation, reserved only for the creator, was all self-generated.

So too, with the fall of the (Guardian/Watcher) Angels in Genesis 6:1-4 (comp with Job 38:4-7), Jude 1:6-7, 2 Peter 2:4.* Thus, we have a clear picture of Angels lusting after human women, entering into a covenant with one another and taking for themselves wives, all for the purpose of fulfilling their evil lusts. Therefore, angels can be tempted in the same manner that humans can be, through the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life. (1 John 2:16)

*These stories are told with much more detail in the non-canonized book of Enoch chapters 6-8 and Jubilees Ch 6, and explaining more clearly Gen 6. They are also in complete harmony with the writings of the early church fathers Clement, Tertullian, Justin Martyr, etc.. These manuscripts also have been found in ample number amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls, and have been carbon dated between 25 AD 175 BC. Enoch has resided has been canonized by the Ethiopian church since the 2nd century, and is part of the Russian Orthodox Bible. Enoch is quoted from numerous times in Scripture. At the very least these verify the fact they were held in high esteem, certainly for the historical value if not inspired Scripture.

June 21 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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