What are familiar spirits?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Mini Jacinta Lewis

In the reply, it mentioned that Christians should abstain from alcohol. However, Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding celebration. The key here (with regards to alcohol) would be moderation.

If the individual is an alcoholic, abstinence would be highly recommended.

May 17 2015 Report

Mini James Kraft

I agree. Paul said not to be drunk with wine, where in is EXCESS, but be filled with the spirit. If it was grape juice like some like to make it, then why would they get drunk on it? Wine was given in the old testament as a blessing.

People love to twist scripture to fit there own higher sanctity which only feeds the flesh. Colossians 2:20-23 But as you say, one who can not have self control should abstain from it all together. But most can drink a little wine with their supper or at bed time, and actually a little red wine is good for your heart. The bible says wine was given to make the heart merry.

A little beer may also be good for us. Just do not tell the super saints as they will crucify you. "I don't do that so I am better than you".

The truth is none of us are perfect, and we all come short of the glory of God. We are to show grace to those that have the freedom to drink a little. Colossians 2:16-17. Romans 14:4 We are not to judge others on minor details of the law. The letter of the law kills the spirit, but the spirit gives life.

April 17 2017 Report

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