What is eros love?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Maykol Maldonado

Not a discussion but completely agreed

June 23 2014 Report

Mini Simplicius Pereira

Eros is a sexual attraction for union present physically in the living beings. This is applicable to all sorts of living beings including human beings, animals, birds, insects, all sorts of creatures and even plants. To physically attract female and male partners adorn themselves with physically visible features or characters. In plants it can be smell, color of flowers or even nectar which ultimately attracts bees, butterflies and other insects to help pollination. In animals and birds including human beings the female and male partners grow and glow in their bodies with features and developments that attract their complimenting sexual partners. But usually this attraction takes place with the beings of same race and category. That is why when Adam saw Eve he was happy and exclaimed,
"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
for she was taken out of man.”
Genesis 2: 23 (NIV)

There is nothing wrong when sexually a man is attracted to a woman or when a woman is attracted to a man, regardless of age difference! It is because, this sexual attraction to each other is inherently present in every human being as a basic human want and need. But being a human being, governed by reason and socially existing norm, every human being has to raise above their physical tendency for mating and acquiring sensual pleasure and if it is given a free pass, it is seen as eccentric and barbarian. The same stigma and label will be attached to the people who give vent to satisfy their bodily and sexual urge with the people of same sex or with the beasts and other creatures.

The Eros emotion in human beings makes them normal, healthy human beings. It has to be used with reason and caution. Many people have used it just as a brutal physical emotion and have not given to it a place of honor which is compatible with human status and nature. Because of this today we have many controversies of gay marriages, lesbian life style and even rape and child or women molestation. At some places this emotion is seen as a taboo and has been dealt with cruelty and punishment which of course is the other extreme.

We human beings have to avoid both these extremes and simply view and respect it in the Biblical point of view for a healthy male and female
coexistence, togetherness and as a sacrament instituted for building God's family. It should never be given the status of just a physical pleasure without having its place of honor for the purpose of building the kingdom of God. The acceptance or denial of Eros is both for the greater glory of God as Jesus rightly said "Some are born eunuchs and some have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of kingdom of God."

October 23 2017 Report

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