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Is it ok for a married woman to wear lingerie to bed?
Hebrews 13:4
KJV - 4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
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If the question is asking whether it is permissible for a wife to wear sleeping apparel that is designed to be erotic or arousing to her husband, I would say that God designed men and women to be sexually attracted to each other. As long as the consummation of that attraction is expressed within the confines of monogamous marriage, and each spouse respects the other, and does not regard him or her as a mere means of sexual gratification, then whatever the husband and wife mutually agree to do sexually in the privacy of their relationship is their business. Such activity does not "defile the marriage bed" (Hebrews 13:4), and is acceptable to God. I think that this is expressed by passages such as Song of Solomon 1-8, or 1 Corinthians 7:1-5.
Dear Sisters in Christ, As born again believers we should glorify God with our bodies! 1 Cor. 6:20 So what exactly does this mean? How does a Sister do this? We must first look at what God considers clothing: Adam female wove large leaves to cover herself. God killed animals and made a beautiful fur covering for her. Gen 3:21 Then God declared that He considers it an abomination if a woman wears man's clothing. Deu 22:5 Please note: I am not say this, find it in your own Bible. Now that we've established that we've been bought with a price, we are not our own, we are to glorify God with our bodies, in all we say (another thread) all we do (several threads) all we ever hope to accomplish (another thread), God intends to be Head over every detail of our lives. How we dress, how we look to the world, how we look to our families, and how we look to our husband, God wants a say in this. We are to present to the World a humble, faithful Christian Woman. We are the only Bible some will ever read. The package must be presented with thoughtful care. Are they looking more are you or at the Christ you represent? Can they even see Christ for all the YOU? When we are with our families do we dress so far down, we even forget we are a Christian? Old habits begin to creep back up? Yes, I have had those really comfortable clothes too, but then I tend totally scream at the TV when my team lost and trust me, it hasn't always pretty. Those clothes have had to go so my relationship with God was right! With our husbands, this is a bit different. We were created to be a help-meet for him. To assist him in life, not just to wash clothes and bear children. A normal man has a sexual thought more than 12 times a day. As a Christian, these thoughts don't stop. He is commanded to bring them under control. 2Cor 10:5. (So are we Ladies) So, if a husband knows that his beloved Christian wife is waiting for him with some thing he can unwrap, something just for him, some eye candy, he will be less tempted to stray when meets temptations in the street. However, if he has the kind of wife that shows her goods to everyone in the streets, why should it be special for him? If a woman is modest in her clothing to the world, but when alone with her husband, she will HAPPILY wear a nightie, that husband should Bless God, then worship the ground she walks on! Let's face it, true Women of God are hard come by! Be Blessed, Lena
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