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Is cyber sex / phone sex a sin?

Would sexual talk or images over text be considered sin? 

Clarify Share Report Asked May 23 2018 Jim Jesus Follower Supporter

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Mini Tim Maas Supporter Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
I would say that any sexual conduct that objectifies another person, or that regards that person as a mere means of personal physical gratification, or that occurs in a context that is not based on mutual love of the whole individual -- not just the physical component, and even if it does not involve actual sexual relations -- falls short of what God intended the natural physical attraction between men and women to be, or to produce. Jesus spoke in very unfavorable terms of such conduct in Matthew 5:27-30.

In a situation where there is not even actual physical contact involved (such as over a computer or a phone), and especially between two people who may not have even previously shared the full sexual bond in the context of a personal relationship, and who may not know (or possibly even be able to see) one another, I would think that the mind would be called on to contribute an even greater portion of the gratification involved, and would fall even farther into the realm of the kind of thoughts of which Jesus was speaking.

May 23 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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