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Mark 13:2
ESV - 2 And Jesus said to him, "Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.
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Jesus made this remark in connection with the fact that His disciples were marveling at the magnificent buildings that were present in Jerusalem at the time. Jesus (in His omniscience) knew that, in only forty years (AD 70), Jerusalem would be sacked by the Romans, and all the buildings that the disciples were so impressed by would be torn down and destroyed so completely that (as Jesus said) there would be not be one stone left standing on top of another. They would all be razed to the ground. He also intended this remark (in my opinion) to emphasize the transient nature of worldly things, and to stress the importance of seeking eternal, spiritual things (God and His kingdom) first. (The transience of earthly glory and fame was never shown more graphically than by the fact that, within the space of one week, the crowds who had hailed Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and proclaimed Him as the Messiah (Mark 11:7-10) would be calling for His crucifixion (Mark 15:6-15).)
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