What is Calvary Chapel?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Dave2 David P. Larsen

This is a good balanced article! I went to a Calvary Chapel for several years and have followed the movement. My personal experience was that the pastor was very abusive and has caused numerous church splits.

Overall the denomination is solid in it's teaching. Some imbalances seem to be an overemphasis on the end times, especially promoting a pre-trib only view.

There is also a very heavy emphasis by many in these churches on the so-called 'discernment' ministries which can sometimes be very critical and divisive in the body. Not joining in the criticisms can lead people in this camp to turn on you, or at least disrespect you. This is what happened to me. Still, it's a solid denomination overall...

March 12 2014 Report

Mini Carolyn Hostetter

I only want to say that I've been to a couple Calvary Chapel churches and watched on TV and I never considered them to be a "movement." I haven't seen that they are trying to introduce some sort of change to Christianity, as most religious movements do. The Calvary Chapels that I've been to and seen preach the grace and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm sure there are some that have other motives; but in my experience, it's a non-denominational church that preaches biblical principals and accurate Scripture. Just my 2 cents worth! Thanks. God bless!

August 14 2023 Report

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