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Based on information found on the internet, Quantum Energy Coaching (QEC) appears to be a two-day workshop that presents itself as a technique of self-improvement. One site says that QEC was developed by Dr. Melanie Salmon and Lawrence Dryer, based on the belief that we are "energy beings" who all have a natural ability to heal ourselves. The goal of QEC is to eliminate environmental influences that create limiting beliefs and blockages on a physical and mental level that interfere with overall well-being. QEC does this through the changing of thought patterns and the performance of trauma-release physical exercises. QEC claims that humans have lost the ability to tremble after experiencing trauma in order to release pent-up adrenaline that the trauma has caused to accumulate in their bodies. (The loss of this ability has been due to the fact that such trembling has been culturally stigmatized as a sign of weakness.) Over time, this built-up adrenaline begins to have toxic effects on the body. QEC addresses this through one-on-one discussion between participants concerning negative beliefs or issues that they want to change, followed by exercises designed to address the physical effects of those beliefs or issues, as well as of unspoken concerns that are too deeply embedded or painful to verbalize. I would say that the Christian view of this would be similar to its view of other philosophies that purport to achieve betterment or fulfillment through purely human effort and thought. There may be no attempt to proselytize participants into any particular belief system, but it may leave the naive or spiritually immature with a belief that humans have no need of any entity outside themselves to achieve ultimate fulfillment or meaning, similar to the oldest temptation recorded that they can "be like God" (Genesis 3:5). In that respect, I would say that QEC is something toward which Christians should at least be wary and discerning from a spiritual standpoint.
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