Why didn’t God warn Adam and Eve about the serpent when they were in the Garden of Eden?

When Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden and were permitted to eat fruits from all trees except one, why didn’t God warn them of the serpent and his temptations?

Genesis 1:1-31

ESV - 1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

Clarify Share Report Asked May 09 2020 Mini Kathy Akers Supporter

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Mini Tim Maas Supporter Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
God had told Adam and Eve the only things they needed to know -- that they were not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and that the consequence for violating that instruction would be death. It was necessary for them to have that choice in order for their devotion to God to be voluntary, rather than by compulsion. However, God had given them no basis or grounds for disobedience. 

In my opinion, if He had warned them about Satan, it would have both compromised their free will, and also given them knowledge of evil, the avoidance of which was the point of the one prohibition that God had placed on their actions

May 10 2020 4 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Grant Abbott Supporter Child of Father, Follower of Son, Student of Spirit
God said that all his creation was good and his creation of human beings was very good. God initiated a close personal relationship with Adam and Eve, he walked and talked with them in the garden every day. God gave them incredible freedom to enjoy the world he had created. God gave them responsibility to tend the garden. 

Everything about God’s will for Adam and Eve was good for them, pleasing to them and perfectly suited for them. God’s only prohibition about eating from the tree of “knowledge of good and evil” was given to protect this close personal relationship with them. Why? Because God is completely holy and cannot tolerate evil. Even talking about Satan’s schemes would have been offensive. Besides, God had already given them everything they needed to resist evil - he showed them that his plans and purposes were good, he wanted a close relationship with them because he loved them, and he was able to protect them with the power of his word, warning them about the one thing that could harm them. This warning about death was actually about spiritual death. Their close relationship with God would end the moment they ate the forbidden fruit. Their physical death only came about because they were banished from the garden and could no longer eat from the tree of life.

God had created human beings with complete free will because he wanted their love and devotion in return, freely and completely given. But they had to learn how to trust and obey God. They also had to learn how to control their appetites. They physically craved the tree of knowledge because it was good for food. Their hearts craved the tree of knowledge because it was pleasing to look at. Their minds craved the tree of knowledge because it was good for gaining wisdom.

Why did God allow Adam and Eve to fall into sin? To show human beings throughout all time HOW MUCH GOD LOVES THEM and to give them his promise I WILL DELIVER YOU FROM SIN, DEATH AND ALL EVIL. In return God only asks 2 things of human beings. One, to believe that what he has said is true (have faith). Two, walk (live life) in obedience to what he has said.

All Scripture (the bible) is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the people of God are thoroughly equipped for every good work. The account of Adam and Eve, their life experience, is given to teach and equip us, so we can have a close personal relationship with God, and experience an abundantly fulfilling and deeply satisfying human life.

May 15 2020 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Win 20200424 08 39 18 pro Scott Marino Supporter
There was the stated command not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for if so, you shall die. So it was the serpent, a divine being, part of God's Heavenly Family, who initiated and tricked the first people into sin, initial disobedience to the Lord's words.

May 10 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

 20200417 064547 Kingsley Wagbaranta Supporter
God knows tomorrow, God knew the future of man before creating man. Telling man about the serpent would have indirectly meant that the serpent is equal to God and the creator of all things is afraid of his creation. God knew the nature of Lucifer before creating Lucifer, God knows the future of all his creations.

May 10 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Final avatar Sterling Sawyer Supporter
I believe that if Adam and Eve had entered a more personal relationship with God, rather than a personable/friendly relationship, they would have been immediately repelled by satan's lies. If the Lord told them the serpent is a lier, satan would have just turned it around: satan would have said something like, "It is God who lies, not me -- he's the one holding you back isn't he?" 

People believe what they want to believe. Satan's offer sounded better at the time -- nothing else mattered.

May 15 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Image41 Ezekiel Kimosop Supporter
God had already warned Adam and Eve on the consequences for disobedience in Genesis 2:15-17. Genesis 3:2 reveals that the woman was aware of the prohibition and the implications of moral transgression against God's command. This shows that God gave them a free will choice for obedience with clear consequences on transgression of His law. He still does the same today in Christ. Those who reject the gospel need no further warning than what is taught in the word of God. Choices have consequences.

May 15 2020 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Win 20200513 18 05 13 pro Rodgers Akwenda Supporter
In summary, when God gave Adam dominion over the earth, everything was in his hand and that included the will of choosing to obey or not to obey. If God could have come in between, He would have been in violation of His principles and that would have given way for the devil to accuse Him, and God cannot be accused. God can only wait at the choices we make, then act but, not to dictate our choices unless we involve him. Adam never involved Him and chose to listen to his wife, who was already deceived.

May 15 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Danny Hickman Supporter Believer in The Gospel Of Jesus Christ
God told them they were not to eat of the tree in the midst of the garden. It was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Satan is evil. To be warned about the knowledge of evil is to be warned about Satan. To tell them about this evil angel before they eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is to give them knowledge of good and evil without eating of the tree. 
In short: They wouldn't have understood what God would have tried to tell them. They didn't even know what "naked" was. They had to eat of the forbidden fruit for their "eyes to be opened."

May 16 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Joseph Trujillo Supporter
In Genesis it states that "..God said,'Let there be light'" and continues repeating "..God said.." as He creates. The words "God said" indicates that God spoke, and speaking is the act of the word, and by the Word of God all things have come into being, and apart from Him nothing has come into being that has come into being.

And God made the man in His image and gave the man dominion over the earth and the beasts. Therefore the man had dominion over the serpent for it too was a beast. And the evil one was inside the beast because it could not enter the man, for the man had not fallen.

And the Word of God said to the man that he could eat from any tree in the garden except for the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for in the day that he did so, he would die. And the Word of God is true. 

But the man did not believe the Word of God, instead the man believed the word of the serpent that said the man would not die. And the man looked upon the fruit with his eyes and it was delightful to the man's eyes (which is why we are to walk by faith and not by sight), and he ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and it was inside him, corrupting the man.

This is why the man was expelled, because he did not believe the Word of God and he ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In so doing, he brought death upon himself and upon his dominion because the Word of God is true. 

And the dying man hid from God. And God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. And the Word of God said to the dying man, "Where are you?" because the man was in darkness, hiding from God.

This is why the man was expelled (for only those that believe the Word of God will live and see the Paradise of God).

But God loved the man. So the Word of God became flesh and entered into the dominion of the dying man to take upon Himself the death that the dying man brought upon himself and his dominion, so that the dying man can live and see the Paradise of God. 

And the Word of God has overcome the death because the Word of God endures forever, from everlasting unto everlasting. Therefore it was impossible for death to hold Him, and He is Living and True, so that whosoever will believe the Word of God will live and see the Paradise of God.

May 22 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Jeanette and harry at the reunion Jeanette Green Supporter
It was the LORD God (referring to Jesus) that commanded Adam not to eat of the tree in the midst of the garden. It was also the LORD God who placed Adam in the garden EAST of Eden.

It was the desire of the Lord that Adam continue to learn and become strong in the Word, just as we learn and become strong in the Word. The Garden was the perfect place for both he and his wife to live. 

The serpent was just another reptile living in the Garden, along with all the other animals placed there. 
Satan took over the serpent and used it to speak to Eve, and she CHOSE to have that conversation.

As a result of entertaining the serpent instead of living in harmony with it as they were to do with ALL the animals in the garden, she was deceived by it and therefore offered that same deception to her husband. They never should have noticed the serpent as different from any other animal or reptile in the garden!

They were so young in their relationship with the Lord God, but ALL Adam needed to do was to be obedient. That was the only thing required of him and we know the rest of the story.

Realize another thing in all of this. He revered Eve as his wife before they became flesh (before the fall) but afterward he told the Lord God "it was THAT WOMAN you gave me. He no longer spoke of Eve as his wife, or rather, bone of his bone.

May 18 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

9468b49d 6014 4412 8275 9a1adf64918d Ezechiel Longe Supporter Pastor, Foursquare Gospel Church, Lagos, Nigeria
Adam and Eve mortgaged their personal fellowship with God by listening to the serpent. God, the sovereign God who had put his virtues on man cannot be warning Adam of a lesser being even though, indirectly he had told them what they needed to know in the garden and for the garden. The instructions were without any ambiguity and there was no room for manipulation. 

At that point in time Adam and Eve preferred to disobey God and therefore chose in contrary to God’s instructions and warning to “obey” the devil by their free will. Their choice shaped their lives, and changed the cause of events for mankind! If not for the second Adam, the Lord Jesus, man would have been doomed forever. Glory be to God. What appeared like gain to Satan, was lost right there in the garden of Eden by God’s pronouncement in Gen.3:15.

May 23 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Peter Joseph Supporter
In my opinion, even if God had warned against the serpent, man would still have fallen, not because it was destined but because man at that time didn't have what it takes in terms of knowledge of God's word, power and person to be able to resist the devil. The scripture tells us in Rev 12:11, they overcame by the blood of the lamb and by the "word" of their testimony. Agreeably, Adam and Eve might not have needed salvation (The Blood) but they lacked the Word. God bless us all.

May 15 2020 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

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