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Proverbs 14:18
NKJV - 18 The simple inherit folly, But the prudent are crowned with knowledge.
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The Hebrew word in question (anglicized as "pthiy") is used to indicate a person who is uninstructed or unlearned -- often in a negative sense, with the connotation of deliberate choice in that regard (as in "simple-minded"), as well as gullibility -- and particularly with respect to spiritual matters or truths (such as a lack of moral direction). With the exception of one verse from the prophet Ezekiel, the word in question occurs exclusively either in Psalms or Proverbs. It is used, for example, to characterize those with whom the personification of Wisdom pleads in Proverbs 1:22, beseeching them to forsake their ways -- with those ways being variously characterized or translated (as indicated on the website) as "ignorance", "mockery", "hating knowledge", "scoffing", "foolishness", and "childishness".
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