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It is definitely commendable for God's children to desire to know the spiritual gifts given to them by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of serving and glorifying God (2 Timothy 1:6). At the same tim...
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One of the ways to confirm your area of gifting is also the ease and the joy in performing in the area you are suspecting to be your gift. Another way is people paying you compliments for what ever service you render in the specific area which is a pointer to the fact that they are being blessed by your ministration.
There may be value in a spiritual gifts tests. I don’t think there is anything wrong with taking the tests. I do agree with Michael H, however, that people can view themselves unrealistically which can create inaccurate results. But here’s how I would handle it. First, humble yourself before God (ask God to check your heart, convict you of any sins. Then confess and repent of your sins.) Pray for God to show you your gifts since He is the giver of them, and He very much wants you to use them. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, 1 Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:12 and Romans 12:6-8 all discuss the gifts of the Spirit saying the gifts are of the Lord God, distributed by His Spirit for the common good to build up the body of Christ. So, when something is being used for the common good, others will notice your gifts (similar to how we recognize good or bad, sheep or wolves, by their fruit, as discussed in Matthew 7). Since your family members and friends (& neighbors & strangers) will see you in action (i.e., see you using your gifts), you can ask a few of them for their insights as to what spiritual gifts you have (best if they are mature Christians). You could even have someone who knows you well (& is honest with you) help you answer the questions on a spiritual gifts test as a way to help keep a true perspective. Spiritual gifts tests, like other behavior tests, looks at patterns of behavior. The tests do not measure the quality of behavior, only the presence of such (as stated by the test-taker). Think of it as a “soft” tool, perhaps simply a point of reference. If you are opposed to the tests, don’t take them. But if you take them, I suggest in addition, you also determine your gifts by asking yourself what came most naturally to you as a child…and what comes naturally to you now. Also ask, what effects peace and the uplifting of those around you (Isaiah 32:17 says, the fruit of righteousness will be peace.) Lastly, remember that the Spirit of God can gift you new, spiritual gifts any time He wants. Certainly there is an outpouring of the power of the Spirit when one goes through a spiritual rebirth by accepting Jesus as Lord.
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