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I was a Presbyterian for several years and found the church becoming more liberal than I wanted to be in my personal journey. What finally separated me was their lack of love for Israel. They would not do any business with Israel. We are told to love God's people. We as Christians are grafted in but I do not believe we have replaced his first love. Just an opinion.
Hi Linda. Thank you for your comment; it is very useful, and I'm sorry this happened to you. As you can read in the answer given here there is a warning about carefully examining the statements and practical implementations of doctrine the church holds.
I would really love to find a church I am truly happy with.
The Free Presbyterian Church (I live in London) looks like one of the best to attend in my personal opinion. But when I looked for a local branch I noticed that some of them believe in different documents.
The Westminster Larger Catechism states that we pray for the Jews to be called into the Kingdom in the second petition of the Lord's prayer Q/A 191:
"We pray, that the kingdom of sin and Satan may be destroyed, the gospel propagated throughout the world, the Jews called, the fullness of the Gentiles brought in"
But some churches only use the Shorter Catechism.
As this PDF's are available online including the Westminster Confession of Faith you could look for a local church that upholds and practically implements these doctrines.
Churches are made up of fallible men, but keep looking around online, on the radio, at their sermons, or you just end up depriving yourself of church attendance and moral support.
I hope you find a different one in a different area, one that leads the congregation instead of following after them and their prejudices.