What does the Bible say about the amount of time between the rapture and the beginning of the tribulation?


Clarify Share Report Asked October 22 2024 Mini Anonymous

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Mini Dave Mohler Supporter Preacher's kid.
To answer this question it must be realized that some believe that the time of 'tribulation' is the same as God's day of wrath on the world, but not the church, and therefore the rapture has come with some unknown time space before the 'tribulation'. Others make the distinction that the time of (the great) tribulation is not God's wrath, but is Satan's wrath on Israel and the believing church. Using this latter understanding, then the sequence of events is first the great tribulation, then after tribulation is 'cut short' signs in the heavens and the sign of the coming of Jesus, then the rapture, and then on the 'self same day' (to use the parallel of Noah's entering the ark to escape the flood; Gen.7:12-13) begins the day of the Lord's wrath. So, here there is essentially no space of time between the rapture and 'tribulation' (God's wrath).

December 12 2024 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Paula Fether Supporter Lifelong student of the scriptures
The Bible doesn't say explicitly, but there is likely a span between the Rapture and the start of the Tribulation, which is when the Beast enforces the 7-year covenant per Dan. 9:27. 

Since the Lamb opening the Seals in Rev. 6 is Jesus, and Jesus is God, and the Seals cause disasters on earth, then the wrath of God begins with the Seals. But these are not the Tribulation. Also consider that by the 6th Seal the whole world knows it's the wrath of God and the Lamb.

If the Seals are not part of the Tribulation but are the wrath of God, and since they match Jesus' description of "the beginning of sorrows", it will take time for these things to play out. How much time? Nobody knows, but it likely includes the formation of the Ten Kingdoms, likely triggered by the Rapture itself.

If permitted, here is a link to a chart I made: https://fether.net/cimages/1000words/ProphecySequence.jpg

December 13 2024 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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