What is the Vineyard Movement?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Ian Cowan

Unfortunately, within the context of his excellent and fair-minded analysis of the Vineyard Movement, Michael (whose answers I always find very helpful and usually thoroughly Biblical) has included a defence of the cessationist position on the sign-gifts of 1 Cor. 12-14. Here's my first obvious question: why would the Holy Spirit inspire three chapters of the Bible to deal with the use (and abuse) of gifts that were to disappear once the Bible had been written?! The gifts will persist until "...our Lord Jesus Christ is revealed." (1 Cor. 1:7 NIV) not until the canon was completed. You can't come "..face to face." with a book (1 Cor. 13:12)! Love is a fruit of the Spirit (not a gift); it is the medium through which the gifts must operate, as 1 Cor. 14:1 clearly states. so should not Michael be exhorting his readers to "eagerly desire .... the gift of prophecy"? Charismatic believers are often accused by cessationists of basing their theology on experience rather than Scripture. I suggest that the opposite is true: it is cessationists who base their theology on their LACK of experience of what are perfectly Scriptural practices designed to build up the Body of Christ - both individually (tongues) and collectively (prophecy).

January 23 2016 Report

10151506515883085 Frances Munro

Ian, I appreciate your answer. I was converted within the charismatic renewal that was very strong in the early '80's in my area, and I cannot see any biblical basis for the argument that these gifts should cease at a particular point. I am disgusted and repulsed by much of what passes as gifts of the Spirit and long for more genuine manifestations rather than these mainly exhibitionist babbles I hear in church services, and I am acutely aware that the Holy Spirit is not moving in my area in the way He did in the late twentieth century, but I cannot discard the possibility of them being manifested at the Holy Spirit's discretion based upon a genuine reading of scripture. I love your answer coming straight from scripture. Thank you. However, I do understand the cessationists viewpoint in that these signs gifts are not common in the history of the church for reasons I cannot find an answer for. I am seeking insight from the Lord on this. Blessings brother.

PS I also greatly appreciate Michael's answers and value his ministry greatly and trust these answers more than many of the charismatic theologians I previously used to read. So thank you Michael, and God bless you.

February 06 2016 Report

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