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What is pre-evangelism?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
Pre-evangelism means different things to different people. Some see pre-evangelism as doing what Paul did with the philosophers at Mars Hill. He began with what they knew about an "unknown God" and...

July 01 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Scan14 Michael Tinsley Supporter Retired Army veteran. Love my Bible (Jesus) and fishing.
Pre-evangelism to me was the preparation to share the gospel of Jesus Christ by studying Jesus's life through the Bible to be more like Him and, asking the Holy Spirit to provide me with the right words to say.

I learned this the hard way by attempting to share my joy with people first without knowing enough to answer their questions properly and, by not really knowing _how to share what Jesus had done for me.

As Michael said above, a good way to start sharing is by the way you live, speak, and act. That will make non-believers curious about how you learned to be the person you are.

The thing you don't want to do is to try and make friends for the sole purpose of sharing salvation because that is deceitful and you know the Lord would not approve of underhandedness.

If you meet someone you think you might develop a true friendship with then let that happen first before you begin to share your story of coming to Christ.

If you meet someone for the first time whom you don't think would eventually become a friend, then be honest from the beginning, telling them you want to share the gospel up front so as not to be deceptive. Most people can sense an ulterior motive and wouldn't listen to you anyway.

In evangelizing be prayerful and loving, asking the Lord for guidance and support.

December 11 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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