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The Bible has a lot to say about managing finances. Concerning borrowing, the Bible generally advises against it. See Proverbs 6:1-5; 20:16; 22:7, 26-27 ("The rich rule over the poor, and the borro...
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There are over 2,300 verses in the bible that talk about "money and material things". God has a lot to say on this subject and we have a lot to learn. I would like to overview these principles from the bible to help us manage our finances in a God pleasing way. 1. Contentment Be content with God's provision (1Tim 6:6-8) and thus avoid the ungoldly attitudes of covetousness, selfishness and greed which result in so many financial problems 2. Wisdom Seek and obtain God`s wisdom (Jam 1:5) in managing the money God has entrusted to us 3. Understanding Meditate on God`s Word (Joshua 1:8) to clearly understand God`s financial principles 4. Reverence Out of reverence for God we choose to follow God`s financial principles (Psalm 111:10) and avoid many financial difficulties caused by violating biblical principles 5. Hearing We will hear God`s voice and follow his specific will for our lives (John 10:27) 6. Firstfruits We will give God the firstfruits of our income (Prov 3:9) and God will bless us (Prov 3:10) 7. Minimal Debt We will have minimal debt (Prov 22:7) and therefore avoid pressure from creditors. Borrowing presumes we know the future (James 4:13-15) but only God knows if it is right to borrow. Ask God to meet our needs (Phil 4:19) without incurring any debt. 8. Budget We will develop and implement a budget (Luke 14:28-30) and therefore make decisions based on facts rather than gut feel or personal desires 9. Counsel We will obtain financial counsel from God (1Kings 22:5), God`s Word (Psalm 119:24) and godly financial advisors (1 Cor 2:14-15) 10. Stewards We are stewards, or managers, of the money and material things (including our paychecks) that God has entrusted to us. God is the owner. (Psalm 24:1-2, 1Chron 29:11, Haggai 2:8) 11. Trust Trust God to provide for our needs and to direct us according to his will (Prov 3:5-6). 12. Needs God has promised to meet our needs if we put him first (Matt 6:31-33) - but not necessarily our wants and desires. 13. Direction God has promised to direct us in everything - including our financial decisions - according to his will (Psalm 32:8) 14. Accountable We are accountable to God for how we use the money he has entrusted to us (Matt 25:28-29) and he will reward our faithfulness 15. Eternal Treasures We use for eternal purposes the money and material things that God has given (1Tim 6:17-19) 16. Evaluate We need to have a clear understanding of our financial position (Prov 27:23) in order to make wise financial decisions. Know the facts of where our money is being spent then implement a budget accordingly. 17. Giving We need to learn how to give cheerfully (2Cor 9:6-7), regularly (1 Cor 16:1-2), generously (Luke 6:38) and sacrificially (Matt 19:29) 18. Investing We need to pray and depend on God for his wisdom and direction before making investment decisions (Jam 4:13-15). Do not invest in something we do not understand (prov 19:2). Do not make hasty decisions (Prov 21:5). Do not use debt (Prov 22:7). Do not lack diversification (Eccles 11:1-2). Do we have Godly or worldly attitudes towards money and material things. Here are some warning signs of Worldly Attitudes 1. Trusting in money and material things (Luke 12:16-21) 2. Believing that money and material things will bring happiness and peace of mind (Matt 13:22) 3. Having a strong desire to get rich (Prov 23:4-5) 4. Serving Money (Matt 6:24) 5. Being prideful (Jam 4:6) 6. Believing that we are independent of God (Deut 8:17-18) 7. Treasuring money and material things (Matt 6:19-21) 8. Being greedy (Luke 12:15) 9. Being covetous (Exod 20:17) 10. Worrying excessively about money (Matt 6:31-33) 11. Loving money and material things (Heb 13:5) 12. Being ungrateful and complaining about a lack of money and material things (Eccles 5:10; Num 14:26-30) I highly recommend the following resource: Financial Management Gods Way - A Biblical Financial Study By Tom Copland, CPA There are lots of free materials on his website
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