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Do faith in God and science contradict?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
Science is defined as "the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena." Science is a method that mankind can use to gain a greate...

July 01 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Open uri20150816 3767 1tn9rak mark wilkinson Supporter retired school teacher and missionary
You need to know what you mean by science. Proper science is concerned with objective physical truth. It concerns things that can be observed and tested. Such science does not disagree with what the Bible tells us - because both describe reality.

The problem is that when scientists speak of matters concerning the past it is often no more than materialism wrapped up in scientific jargon. People don't realise that scientific theories concerning the origin of the universe and the origin of life are philosophical and mathematical models based on certain assumptions, the main one being that there is no God and that the material universe is all there is. This is where Bible-believers part company with much of modern science, because they know reality includes a spiritual and Godly dimension.

Some of the most influential and famous scientists of all time were God-fearing Christian men and women. Michael Faraday (physics) and Louis Pasteur (biology) are two examples of such men of faith. There are today thousands of well-qualified scientists who trust God and work in various areas of science. I am privileged to know a number of university professors who are evangelical Christians - but have to keep quiet about their faith in their professional capacity, lest they lose their jobs. On the other hand atheist scientists are known to use their position to propagate their secular beliefs - and to browbeat any students who openly confess their faith in the Lord of Creation.

I have often told students, don't believe everything you read in books or see on TV - check it out for yourself. 

There are plenty of articles about truth in science on the internet. Creation Ministries International and Answers in Genesis are but two such resources to help the enquirer and to strengthen the believer.

August 18 2014 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Vincent Mercado Supporter Skeptic turned believer, Catholic, father of 3
Church and Science, both proclaims truth and cannot contradict each other because they flow from the same source, God.  The Church teaches spiritual truths while Science teaches scientific truths, and so they cannot overlap and they will not contradict.

An example of this is the Big Bang Theory. Science teaches that at one point in time, everything in the observable universe is compressed in a single dot, and from there it expanded into the universe we know now. The Church complements this by teaching that the creator of this (dot) is God.

Problems arise when roles overlap, i.e. scientists (who have no training of theology) begin to teach theology, or preachers (who have no scientific training) begin teaching science. 

Take a look at Galileo, who was correct in teaching that the earth revolves around the sun, but mistaken in saying that the Bible is wrong. 

In the same, the Church has no authority to teach that the earth is flat. She only has authority when teaching about faith and morality. The shape of the earth is not a concern of faith nor morality.

August 21 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Seth3 Seth Freeman Supporter
A simple working definition of Truth would be: "That which corresponds to reality." Therefore, anything that does not correspond to reality, is false. Thus, if God has revealed Himself to us through creation, Christ, and Scripture, then we can be confident that every belief system outside of Christianity is false, though perhaps containing elements which are true.

Science then, like every other field, makes claims about reality. These claims either correspond to reality or they don't. I would say that "science done right" will never contradict what we know for sure about God. 

It's simple, if it is true that I drive a white car, every other claim to the contrary is not going to correspond to reality, it will be false. So if God is real, then every claim made by science or any other field that contradicts, will be false. 

Science doesn't have to contradict faith - but where it does, we need to examine why and determine if science is wrong, or if our interpretation is wrong.

August 21 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini ainsley chalmers Supporter Medical Research Scientist, devoted family man.
As a research scientist of close to 45 years experience I can confirm that events described in the bible are completely consistent with the scientific knowledge we know. For example: 

1. The vast depth and spread of rock sediments and strata are consistent with a worldwide flood event.

2. It is impossible to date rocks with long half life radioisotopes. So they try to date them by the fossils present in a rock layer assuming that they are millions of years old. However the presence of short half life carbon-14 (5,760 years) in these fossils, oil and diamonds would indicate that they are less than 100.000 years old not hundred of millions of years.

3. Long life spans of early humans (>800 years) is consistent of their low DNA mutation level having just left Eden in a mutation free state. Low mutation levels allowed close relative intermarrying/breeding. With the passage of time ex Eden the mutations increased, life spans decreased and God forbade close relative marrying, If homo sapiens is 200,000 plus years on earth then we should now be extinct factoring in our known rate of mutation accumulation over time. 

4. Evolution states that mutations plus natural selection over millions of years have taken us from microbe to mouse to monkey to man,That is we go from a 3 million base pair code (microbe) to one over 3 billion (man) and that is impossible and this is confirmed by the fossil record (no intermediate or precursor fossils found). Even a formation of a microbe, though much simpler than most organisms, is still very complex just cannot happen spontaneously.

5. The complex structure and exquisite design of DNA speaks loudly of a creator. It just cannot happen by chance. 

In short my knowledge of biological molecules increases my faith in and wonder of Jesus Christ my God and His incredible creative ability is a reflection of His massive love for us. The pinnacle of His creation made in His image.

April 26 2019 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Simplicius Pereira Supporter Education Trainer & Trading Enterprenuer from Mumbai
I mostly agree with Mark, Vincent and Salem, and differ from Seth a bit.
Further let me support what they said in their views.

If 6 blind men were to describe what an Elephant is from where they are sitting or standing. The one who touches legs will say it is like a pillar and he can prove others by making them touch too. The one who touches trunk will say it is like a long pipe and he too will convince others making them to feel it. So it will be, by others touching other parts of the elephant for their ability to move around and touch every part of elephant is limited.

It is so with us human beings. When Jesus came to this world he knew what a Earth is and how is the solar system or how big this universe and its wonders are. But he never illustrated them to the people for he clearly said he does not belong to this perishable world, But his concern was of the eternal spiritual being in us and its salvation. 

What we see now and understand or scientifically proved may one day differ by some other scientist's way of interpretation since all human beings are fallible, limited and influenced by the physical perception, hearing, sensing or even arriving at a conclusion. All our perceptions through our senses are being programmed by our genes, worldly environment and derivations that me make through experiences. 
Jesus explained the people the power of God by healing, forgiving, criticizing, teaching and even by suffering, dieing and rising from death.

This is how human beings understand when interpreted in a language, action and appearance perceived, felt, heard and understood by them.

The scientists prove things to be real if they are physically provable. But is the physical world real? Yes but only for the mortal man and other creatures. But what about to those beings which are immortal? Is this world real to them? We don't know because we are not immortal.

For God came to this world to redeem man from his sin, illusion and suffering. We are experiencing sin and suffering and even physical death. But our illusion is still restricted to our physical body and reasoning! The truth is much beyond it and that is why Jesus said only by faith we can be saved. Even St. John explains it in his revelation limitation of human mind

So, summing all my views I can say Science is truth or true knowledge that can not be deceived or limited by our physically evolved conclusions or reasonings. For in the Bible it is said the wisdom of man can be foolishness in the eyes of God.

Did the satan do a favor to man by telling lies and making him to sin going against the warning of God? For God knew what was going to happen and how to trick the Satan in his own trap and knowledge!

Mark his words "When you eat that fruit you will become like God knowing good and evil and will live for ever". all the creation God made probably would some day die leaving man alone to live physically for ever! Which is a very boring thing just like when Adam was alone not satisfied with any of the creatures God created.

So God caused the Satan to tempt man and to sin and die so that his soul will live for ever knowing good and evil and just to be like God. But this choice of being with God comes from his own free will while living earthly life. If he chooses evil, he will live for ever in spirit with the Devil and if he chooses good, his spirit will for ever to be with God.

So the real science never contradicts God. It is only our mortal, fallible, physical perception and interpretation that seems to be contradicting God.. Even if the sayings, descriptions given in the Holy book are apparently contradicting the findings of Science, it should be understood in the spirit of 
God's interpretation to his subjects through his representatives in the way best understood by people then. The new findings of science that apparently contradicting or seem to contradict should not shake our faith for there are many other things which we are still unaware of.

September 16 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Nils 1 Nils Jansma Supporter Missionary in San Diego California
Do faith in God and science contradict? No, when all things are considered. Both one’s faith in God and science have one important aspect in common, they both seek truth as a basis. The physical sciences seek truth by a systematic study of natural phenomenon. Faith in God is based upon a study of the Word of God and the science of linguistics. (John 17:17) So the real question should be whether faith in the science of linguistics contradicts faith in the study of the physical sciences? The apparent answer to this question is yes sometimes.

In fact, the difference between these two scientific studies (linguistics, physical science) is the reason our question persists. Both sides in the argument can make mistakes in their findings. When the physical sciences make mistakes, it generally is only a matter of time when corrections are applied because investigative methods become more refined. However, when interpretations of Scripture, based upon different interpretations of the original languages make apparent mistakes, often a new religion is formed. In the United States, there are thousands of different Christian denominations all claiming to have the “truth.” In the First Century after Christ, there were at least three noted versions of Christianity being practiced. By the time of the Nicene Council in 325 AD there were known to be about 12 distinguishable forms of Christianity. The point is, when we speak of Faith in God, to which faith are we referring? 

Translators of the Bible have a dauting task. Take for instance, Biblical Hebrew. The interpreters have the task of translating the 8,674 Hebrew root words used in the Old Testament into over 250,000 English words listed in the Oxford Dictionary. We all agree that no particular translation of the Bible is inspired. Jehovah’s Witnesses have their version which differs in many regards about the Deity of Christ from other translations. There are many examples where translator bias is apparent in Scripture that changes the meaning considerably.

I refer you to one that has been a basis for considerable debate among Christians. In the Hebrew language, there is no word for “Planet Earth.” So, in Genesis, when the Hebrew writer refers to whole world or whole earth at Genesis 41:57, he is referring to the known world of that time which may have been only hundreds of miles or so in diameter. How do we know the famine didn’t extend to the whole Planet Earth? Because the science of Archaeology has no record of a world-wide famine ever occurring. Famines usually occur because of a lack of rain. It is impossible for the whole earth to experience a total lack of rain. The water in the clouds must still go somewhere. 

In view of the difficulties in translating and interpreting the Bible’s language, what can serve as a guide to help us get it right. The sciences of Archaeology, Linguistics, Geology, and others can aid in interpreting the Scriptures accurately. So, in conclusion, when Science and Faith in God are in conflict, we either have mistaken science or mistaken religion or both, in my opinion. The truth of the Bible should never disagree with established scientific facts except for one noteworthy exception. 

That is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is no scientific study that has ever documented a person being dead for three days and then recovering. We except that truth on faith. However, our faith is supported by a volume of reliable testimony from eye witnesses and many historical facts that prove Jesus’ body was never found and his eye witness disciples were willing to be martyred because of what they knew to be true. Hallelujah, Christ has risen.

April 27 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Salem Markus Purba Supporter
Having faith in God means having a knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3: 22; Deuteoronomy 30: 11-20), it is a matter of life and death.

Since God is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent (Psalm 139: 1-24; Isaiah 55: 8-9). So, faith in God and science do not contradict.

September 22 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini David Green Supporter Baptist deacon and lay preacher who enjoys leading worship.
I have what some might describe as a simplistic response. 

There should be no argument between science and Christianity, argument only happens when the ostrich mentality takes over. 

Examples of this are scientists who refuse to acknowledge even the existence of God(because it doesn't fit their limited scope of inquiry, and. Christians who think that the Bible is a scientific text book - it is not!

If you are not sure about issues concerning science and faith, consider this:

"Science tells us 'how', the Bible tells us 'who' and 'why.'"

I have yet to hear an opposing voice to this which has any credibility.

December 20 2019 1 response Vote Up Share Report

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