Why did God create us?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Image Thomas K M

In my opinion :

God is Spirit. God created man in their image and likeness that means, God created man in Spirit in His own Spirit. Reading the above passage, the question that has to be asked is what is the image of God? What does He look like? John 4:24 tells us: "God is Spirit”. God is not flesh but Spirit. That is His image. Therefore, when the Word of God tells us that God created man according to His image, it means that in addition to body and soul, man also had that which is the image of God i.e. Spirit. In order to understand better the usage of the phrase "in his image" in the above critical passage, let's see another place where this phrase occurs.

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created. What we see is the woman was in the mind of God, before God made her from Adam. Gen 1:26-27 (plural) “let them …He created him; male and female He created them.” Before man was created, the woman was considered as part of man. That is an important concept, from the standpoint of typology as we learn in the New Testament of Christ and the church, as well as from the standpoint of humanity and the family unit.

Gen.2. Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. 2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

At the time GOD made Earth and Heaven, before any grasses or shrubs had sprouted from the ground—GOD hadn’t yet sent rain on Earth, nor was there anyone around to work the ground (the whole Earth was watered by underground springs)—GOD formed Man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. The Man came alive—a living being. Man is a unique combination of earthly, natural material and life-giving power from God Himself. Such a mode of creation highlights the importance and value of human life.

Sometimes, it confuses the modern reader into thinking there are two different creation accounts. No, there is only one. Practically God created heavens, Earth and all animals and birds and God created man in Spirit. Thereafter, God formed man from the dust with all chemical elements.

God could have chosen to create humans in any form. However, Scripture records the particular way He did create-using both natural material (dust) and supernatural power to give humans a unique place in the cosmos. The recipe of dust of the earth + God's breath emphasizes the supernatural power of God and the fragile nature of humanity. Human life is completely dependent upon God, and, as a result, humans are called to worship the Lord and to serve Him only. The recipe of dust of the earth + God's breath emphasizes the supernatural power of God and the fragile nature of humanity. Human life is completely dependent upon God, and, as a result, humans are called to worship the Lord and please Him only.

God’s creation of humans was different from anything else. He created one thing after another until He made something in which He could see His reflection. Humans alone were created in His image, sculpted by His hands, and animated by His breath of life.

Creation of man in Sprit,Body and Soul was sequential process. The difference between man and animal is that the animal has no spirit in their body. Why God created man in Body and Soul in addition to Spirit which he created in their own image and likeness? Perhaps,the reason being the man has to till the ground.

December 10 2013 Report

Image Thomas K M

God could have chosen to create humans in any form. However, Scripture records the particular way He did create-using both natural material (dust) and supernatural power to give humans a unique place in the cosmos. The recipe of dust of the earth + God's breath emphasizes the supernatural power of God and the fragile nature of humanity. Human life is completely dependent upon God, and, as a result, humans are called to worship the Lord and to serve Him only.

December 18 2013 Report

Image Thomas K M

I have some more comments

Adam and Eve were made righteous because of their birth. God created Adam and Eve. They were in union with God because they were holy. God is holy. Adam and Eve were in holiness and they were Holy. Holy is the qualification to live with. Righteousness is a free gift from God to all mankind. God’s is nature in you, God’s holiness in you. God created Adam/Eve and they were made righteous because of their birth. They became self-righteous when they disobeyed God.

Adam/Eve became self-righteous once they committed sin/disobedience. Jesus came to redeem from the law to abolish law/religion. Jesus came to redeem from the curse of the law. It was not the original plan of God. Law was added on because of transgression. Law and prophets are over. If you retain law/knowledge, you are perished. Jesus said, ` whoever receives me he will have life’. You are not being judged /dying because of your sin. You are born of sin. We are a born sinner. What is sin? It is disobedience to God: and it is not a behavioral modification. Sin originates in the mind. Sin entered through one man and death through sin (Rom5:12). The road map of Eternal life is (Rom.6:21)

December 19 2013 Report

Img 1074 eduardo habon

In my opinion is that, God created Adam but He see that he is lonely He created Eve and that's all supposed to be. But because they committed sin by eating the forbidden fruit that's why we are born but not created. Only Adam and Eve is the creation, we are the product of Adam and Eve because of there mistake they have committed.

April 18 2014 Report

Stringio Frank Scimeca

A lot of wisdom in these answers but would like to approach from a simplistic view. The answer is; a The same reason we have children of our own, to live freely and be loved freely.

July 07 2014 Report

Mini R K

It seems very clear from Ephesians 2:10 that God created us in Christ for good works. Simple and easy to understand except for What is a "good work"?

5 days ago Report

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