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Jesus was catholic and all the apostles and all his followers were catholic.
Notice the catholic I refer to has a small c. The word catholic means One, Universal all the same and that is true in this case, Jesus and his followers were all the same in their beliefs, one, universal, catholic. Protestant means someone who protest or disagrees with original teaching.
It was the man made business, the Roman Catholic Church that PROTESTED the original teachings and beliefs. Jesus didn't teach us to baptize babies, the Catholic Church did. Jesus didn't teach us that we all had to go to Purgatory to pay for our sins before we could go to Heaven because Jesus didn't complete the work, the Catholic Church did. Jesus didn't teach us that that there would be priests of that we were to confess our sins to them, the Catholic Church did. Jesus didn't teach us to pray to or venerate Mary or any apostles, the Catholic Church did. Jesus didn't teach us that Mary is the co-redeemer or redemptrix, the Catholic Church did. Jesus didn't teach us that There would be a "Vicar", substitute or replacement for Jesus but at all Papel coronations when the crown is placed on the new popes head the words are said, "Thou art Father of Princes and Kings, Ruler of the world and Vicar of Christ". The Catholic Church did.
So looking at these facts, shouldn't we ask ourselves, who are the catholics and who are the Protestants. He clearly told us NOT to follow the traditions of men but millions do. He gives us all free will as to who to follow, follow Him and His Word or follow man and his traditions, but on THAT day, we will be finally judged on His Testament. As for me and my house, we will follow The Lord. Chuck