Can a Christian keep sinning?


Clarify Share Report Asked September 11 2013 Stringio priva map Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

1386053267 Adesola Ayinla

A Christian is not a sinner and a sinner is not a Christian . The bible says that if any man is in Christ is a new creature old things are passed away (old life of sin)behold everything is now new. The bible says that he that is born of God can not sin because His seed remains in him and he can not sin . Once a person accepted The Lord Jesus into someone's life a great change takes place the trinity will come and make their dwelling with such person according to Revelation 3:20 and where God is dwelling sin cannot have opportunity to dwell there. The book of 1john 3:8-10 sys he that committee sin is of the devil for the devil sinneth from the beginning for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin for His seed remain etch in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God. In this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil whosoever doth not righteous is not of God (King James version). The book of Collocians 3:5-10 explained it all our state before we profess Christ and now that we say we are a Christian we are to put off all those old life and put on Christ with His deed and let others see Christ in us we are the bible the world is reading they should not read backbiting, lies, bitterness, anger, etc in us when they do we are crucifying The Lord Jesus the second time a spring of water cannot bring forth cold and hot water at the same time

December 18 2013 Report

Open uri20141117 25309 1tosgbq Carey York

We all are sinners but as a Christian we try to sin less.

November 17 2014 Report

Mini James Kraft

The spirit that lives in us as a Christian is sinless, but our flesh is not sinless. That is why our flesh has to die. As Carey said, we sin less as we grow in grace. The Christian life is not through self effort, but through the spirit that lives in us. The problem is most people have never trusted Jesus to save them and have learned how to live the Christian life without Him. It stands to reason that if you are sinless you do not need a savior.

July 28 2016 Report

Mini Kenneth Ford

This is an issue I am dealing with though I will not discuss the particulars. Sometimes it may be that we think something is a sin at one time, then our perception changes. I am talking about things of conscience, like eating meat offered to idols and that sort of thing. I think in the end all we can do is trust and ask God to show us if something is wrong, and not depend so much on the advice of others which I have been guilty of. That will damage you mentally! Have faith that God will show you.

June 30 2018 Report

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