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Is it ever not a sin to masturbate?


Clarify (1) Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Open uri20150204 6832 1j8lvb8 Carl Browning

Masterbation is really a struggle for most men who have been single all there adult life. My thought is this I find it almost impossible not to have a lustful thought and act upon masterbation.
I myself struggle with this and need daily prayer, there is so much sex on TV/music, easy access to nudity/porn on the web/cell phone and women or men who dress so skimpy/sexy. It sometimes makes the mind go in to overdrive and think of sexual impurity about that person you may know or not know.
I have books on the subject of temptation and masterbation, they just don't seem to help or sink in. I pray daily for deliverence from this addictve fleshly sinful habit.
Please do more relative research that will be understandable to someone who maybe 13 to 63 years in age.
Society is over selling sex in everything, we need to start with the younger generation. The Christian church needs to drive home purity of heart and mind, in the way we think, speak and act in our daily lives. This starts with who we are around family and or friend, also what we watch or look at, read, or what we hear and or listen to. And lastly how we act our maturity. Shows, movies, internet, music and books/magazines tend to captivate us, good or bad.
When what we need is Christ Jesus, prayer and a true Bible teaching church to help us. Please expand on my comment / answer and scripture verse's. I never seem to find all the scripture I need to combat these temptations. Please help, so that people can memorize scripture.
Thank You and God Bless

January 09 2014 Report

1352402783 Jean Atty

Masturbation is a sin as the bible says your body does not belong to you but to your husband or wife.

December 25 2014 Report

Open uri20140928 18921 rlqvd4 Susan Chapman

Every little thing you do in life opens up a door for a more serious sin to enter in. Giving into lust gives the enemy power to do much more. It seems like such a simple thing, but it actually creates a vessel for it to become so much worse. Reading the word of God is a much more productive activity, in every way.

September 10 2015 Report

Mini Jacob Kleve

It's a narrow road, also denial of the flesh is at that part of the race. Walk by faith!
Think of the shield of armor that also arrows of lust, desires etcetera can ricochet. (Ephesians 6).

April 03 2016 Report

Mini Jim C

Masturbation is okayed by God in Romans 14:14, where Paul says, "I am convinced, being fully persuaded in the Lord Jesus, that nothing in itself is unclean." This refers to the unclean ways talked about in Leviticus 15:16-19: "emission of semen;" and "women having their monthly periods." Both were taken off the "unclean list" in Romans 14. How masturbation got moved to the "sexual impurity" list ... I don't know. But, I don't ever think God considered masturbation to be a sin.

In the Old Testament, sins always had to be forgiven by a "sin offering." There is no mention of a sin offering needed in Leviticus 15 for "emission of semen," or "women having their monthly periods." Leviticus 15: 19 says, "When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean until evening." We don't hold women to this "7 day rule," nor do we expect women to tell us when they are having their period (so we can not touch them for those 7 days). Why did we change the classification of masturbation to "sexual impurity ?"

It used to be only considered by God to be "unclean" in the Old Testament. Then that "unclean" was overridden in Romans 14 by Paul with information coming from the Lord.

June 14 2017 Report

1609805554.8029509 Tony Railton

There have been no sufficient answers in my opinion when it comes to single people and how many they need to manage their sexual urges. So far all I have read is about couples and married people. I am 54 years old and never been married.

I think that if the Lord wanted me to marry someone instead of masturbation he would have done it by now. Why I haven’t got a wife I don’t know. I would like to know but haven’t received any answers about it. Perhaps it is more problems than I can handle and the Lord wants his best for me and this is his best even if I don’t really agree with it.

Not having many friends doesn’t help either. Especially when there’s no one that i can count on when i feel lonely to come and visit me and everyone I know is either too busy working or doesn’t want to. I think that more help needs to be given to single people, who want company with other singles.

Another problem I have is the fact that I am unemployed and on a disability pension. This means I am very limited in where I can take someone out.

September 25 2021 Report

Mini James Kraft

You would think if it was a sin to masturbate it would be named as such in the bible. It is not.

Does masturbation lead to death? No. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, physical death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

It may be a sin to one person, but not to another person. Just like drinking alcohol. To some it is not a sin and to others it is. The bible says let no man judge you in food or drink, or a feast day or of a new moon or of a Sabbath day. Colossians 2:16.

Our sin debt was paid in full at the cross. John 3:18 We can no longer be condemned. But we can be chastened by the Lord as His children. John 1:12.

First John 1:8 IF we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the TRUTH is not in us. First John 1:10 If we say we have not sinned we call God a liar. First John 2:10 If we have committed one sin, we are guilty of the whole law. One lie would send us to hell forever.

Romans 3:26-28 For He is the just and the justifier of them that believe in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. You can not boast in a free GIFT. The GIFT of God is eternal life.

Jesus paid for every sin we have ever committed in the past and every sin we will commit in the future. Stamped, paid in full. John 3:18. No longer condemned to hell.

Romans 4:5-8. But we still reap what we sow in this life and in heaven. Our rewards in heaven are based on what we do or do not do. Heaven is a free gift apart from any works.

So, if masturbating is a sin to you, do not do it for conscience sake. Same as driinking smoking dancing, going to movies, watching TV. What ever. Is adultery a sin? Yes. Paid for by Jesus one blood sacrifice for all sin forever. We still reap what we sow on earth and in heaven. But our sin debt is paid in full and we can never be condemned again. John 3:18.

But we can be chastened by the Lord and even lose our life an our rewards in heaven. But never eternal life or that would make God a liar and He can not lie. John 3:18.

October 25 2021 Report

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